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从这里可以望见叠嶂的群山。Layer upon layer of mountains can be seen from here.

或者,倘若我们攀登重岩叠嶂的峰巅。Or again if we but climb the serried mountain peaks.

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峰峦叠嶂此处风景独好,辉映九州兄弟勠力同心。Mountainous overlapping scenery here alone good, reflect kyushu brothers concentric force.

佐渡岛山峦叠嶂,森林茂密,且气温适宜,现在成了很受人欢迎的,修生养性的地方。With its dramatic mountains, lush forests and temperate climate, Sado Island is now a popular retreat.

在黄山北坡叠嶂峰下,还有一个温泉,叫松谷庵,古称锡泉。Huangshan North Slope peaks peak, as well as a spa called Pine Valley Nunnery, the ancient name of tin springs.

库纳尔与巴基斯坦边界山峦叠嶂,是塔利班在两国运输的要塞。The mountainous region of Kunar borders Pakistan and is often a transit point for Taliban between the countries.

从每个方向我们都能看到从峦叠嶂的火山,一座接一座从雾气蒸腾的地平线上显现出来。In every direction we could see the tiered profiles of one volcano after another, looming from the misty horizon.

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峰下有一长方形白色岩壁,上刻「重崖叠嶂巫峡」六个年夜字,相传为诸葛亮所书。A peak under the rectangular white wall, engraved on the "overlapping peaks Cliff Wu Gorge, " the six characters, word for the wise book.

岸边湖水里的树木犹如它的纤细的睫毛,而四周树木掩隐的峰峦叠嶂是它突出的眉毛。The fluviatile trees next the shore are the slender eyelashes which fringe it, and the wooded hills and cliffs around are its overhanging brows.

皖云·800颂系列产自海拔800米的纯天然、无污染的大别山区,这里峰峦叠嶂,土壤肥沃,雨量充沛,云雾弥漫。One Win·800 Song series is pollution-free and natural tea , which grows among Dabie Mountains that are more than 800 meters high above sea level.

像埃塞俄比亚一样,也门的版图也是为崇山叠嶂分割得支离破碎,这意味着其中央政府对这片被深度分割的国土往往鞭长莫及。Like Ethiopia, Yemen is riven by mountains, meaning its central government has difficulty accessing vast reaches of this deeply fragmented country.

我最喜爱的是岸边的那些悬崖峭壁及其背后的那高耸云端、神秘莫测的峰峦叠嶂,那山峰只有最英勇无畏的人才能够攀登上去。What I like best are the stern cliffs , with ranges of mountains soaring behind them, full of possibilities, peaks to be scaled only by the most daring.

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经过无数科学家们的艰辛努力,正在不断地透过层层叠嶂照耀到更高的群峰之上。A great many scientists, one after another, have kept scaling new heights in science and technology after overcoming numerous obstacles through arduous efforts.

昆斯敦市位于群峦叠嶂之下,这些山峰有个非常恰当的名字卓越峰。游览这处胜景可以从库克山乘车向南行驶4小时或从基督城乘一小段飞机。Queens-town, sitting under the jagged peaks of the aptly-named Remarkables, is a scenic four-hour drive south of Mount Cook, or a short flight from Christchurch.

就如同智利巴塔哥尼亚一般的与世隔绝,奥伊金斯国家公园也是峰峦叠嶂,陆地上很少有人烟的迹象,只有一些19世纪修建的古老房子。As isolated as Chilean Patagonia is, it is also on the brink of abrupt transformation. On land the few homesteads look as though they were carved out of the 19th century.