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我已将本月报表做完,请查收。Enclosed please find this month's PNL.

天王星在本月将会正行。Uranus will also go direct this month.

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我与方昉先生的作品将展出至本月24日。This event will last till Oct. 24,2010.

本月将举行另一次拍卖。It will hold another auction this month.

本月亦较正常多云。The month was also cloudier than normal.

至少有十名受害者是在本月遭到毒手的。At least ten have been killed this month.

本月,木星将靠近地球。Jupiter is cozying up to Earth this month.

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本月所有股票的价格都已暴涨。All stock prices have jumped up this month.

本月我们还有钱去美国旅行吗?Can we afford a trip to America this month?

本月还有一位著名人物归国。There's been another homecoming this month.

我的工资从本月一日起算。My pay is reckoned from the1st of the month.

本月冷气机的销售额增加了。Sales of air conditioners are up this month.

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本月,Tweetie成了苹果用户的最爱。Tweetie is flavour of the month for Mac users.

我们可以开始于本周、本月或2010年。We can start this week, this month or in 2010.

本月伊朗又逮捕了多名博主。This month Iran arrested several more bloggers.

不过,本月起论调开始发生变化。This month, however, the chatter began to change.

本月起,临安山核桃开始全面丰收了!From this month, the Linan nuts begins to harvest!

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本月的生产数字已达到最高点。The production figures this month have topped off.

不过,这些合同大部分在本月到期。However, most of these contracts expire this month.

这是中国本月第二起食醋丑闻了。It's the second vinegar scandal in China this month.