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若是蜀国一统天下了,斩与不斩就都是对的了。If Shu rule all the land, chopping and not cut is right.

转基因油菜作物不可能将一统天下。The transgenic canola plants are not about to take over the world.

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黄帝一统天下已经十九年了。It had been nineteen years since Yellow Emperor unified the country.

无论是苹果还是谷歌,都没有足够的实力一统天下。Neither Apple nor Google has grabbed much, if anything, from that lot.

正如同诸葛亮斩马谡一样,历史是蜀国最终没有一统天下。As Zhu Geliang and Ma Su, history is Shu eventually did not rule all the land.

马克思主义思想一统天下,学术界当然是莫能例外。Marxist ideology dominating the world, academia, of course, exemplifies the exception.

西部一统天下的年代一去不归了,那个斗篷男霍华德就是这么想的。The days of Western dominance are over, according to a certain All-Star known to wear a cape.

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近代以前,中国社会以传统的“旧学”教育一统天下。Before modern times the "Old-Learning" had an absolute predomination in the educational field.

过快20年,客户机-服务器模式一统天下。For the past 20 years a client-server computing architecture has dominated digital infrastructures.

这一切似乎不仅使人怀疑西方强权的垄断地位,而且也使西方意识形态一统天下的局面受到质疑。These seemed to call into question the dominance not only of Western power, but of Western ideology.

公元前221年,秦始皇平定六国,一统天下,建立了秦王朝。Qin Shi Huang conquered all opposing states and unified China in 221 BC, establishing the Qin Dynasty.

社会保险的产生和发展打破了侵权法一统天下的局面。The occurrence and the development of the social insurance broke the law of tot's monopolization situation.

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曾经一统天下的英语帝国如今只能作为语言、文化和共同价值的联合体。What was once a globe-spanning empire is now best understood as a union of language, culture, and shared values.

但这是否表示,在苗条模特一统天下的走秀、美容宣传和高品味的编辑评论中,肉感模特能分得一杯羹呢?But will it lead tomore jobs in the runway shows, beauty campaigns and high-end editorials where slender still rules?

但这是否表示,在苗条模特一统天下的走秀、美容宣传和高品味的编辑评论中,肉感模特能分得一杯羹呢?But will it lead to more jobs in the runway shows, beauty campaigns and high-end editorials where slender still rules?

室内装修大量采用的乳胶漆目前是平质单色的一统天下。The monochromatic in a large amount of emulsion paint adopted of interior decoration unifies the whole country at present.

第二次浪潮出现在二十世纪二十年代,当时电气化改变了制造业,现代消费经济开始一统天下。The second wave came in the twenties, as electrification transformed manufacturing, and the modern consumer economy took hold.

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写实手法曾一度在中国美术界一统天下,但人们对于“写实”的认识却不尽相同。Although Realism had ever held a dominating position in the world of fine arts, the understanding of this concept was quite different.

现在市场上出现不久的锤击式膨胀地板钉,似有一统天下的势头。Appear in the market now before long hammer attacks type to expand floor hammer, be like the tendency that has unify the whole country.

互联网技术对电信网的强烈冲击,打破了电信一统天下的局面,促进了技术的发展。And the strong impact of Internet technologies upon telecom network breaks the monopoly of telecom, promotes the development of technologies.