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大衣和短剑挂进衣橱The cloak and dagger dangles

他用一把短剑刺我。He thrust at me with a dagger.

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不喜欢罗马短剑,太短。I don't like Gladius. Too short.

把短剑插回鞘内。Put the dagger back in its sheath.

受害者为一把短剑所伤。The victim was stabbed with a dagger.

在我眼前的是把短剑吗?Well, is this a dagger l see before me?

“别磨磨蹭蹭的,快去拿短剑。”看守人说。“Don't dally, go get it,” said the custodian.

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“别磨磨蹭蹭的,快往拿短剑。”看管人说。"Don't dally , go get it, " said the custodian.

短剑戳人,重剑敲人,玻璃剑杀人。Dagger jabs, claymore knocks, Glass Sword slays.

看上去是把古代短剑,它悬在空中。It appeared to be an ancient dagger, angling in the air.

武士刀小队,短剑小队,圣约人在67号地区活动。Team Katana, Team Gladius, Covenant activity in Zone 67.

这种声音像所有的音乐一样,如短剑般直刺我心。This sound, like all music, pierced my heart like a dagger.

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他的一把精美短剑,目前保存在埃及博物馆。A beautiful dagger of his is preserved in the Egyptian Museum.

她抽出短剑,拿在手里,就开始跳起舞来。She drew out the poniard, holding it in her hand, and began a dance.

还有的穿无袖短背心,佩带无仞短剑,这样能让人在天寒地冻的天气里看起来硬汉一点。Others wear tank tops and stilettos to look tough in the chilly climate.

我一直想扮演刺客,我面前看到的是柄短剑吗?I always wanted to do the killing part. 'Is that a dagger that I see before me?

那是一把天皇赐给他父亲命他剖腹自杀的短剑。It is the dagger sent by the Mikado to her father with order to commit harakiri.

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她几乎要用诗歌来描述妮雅的弓弩与那把双柄短剑。She was practically poetic in describing Gnea's crossbow and two-handed short sword.

倘若皮勒斯并未在阿尔戈斯丧命于一个老太婆手下,或是尤利乌斯·恺撒不曾被短剑刺死呢?Had Pyrrhus not fallen by a beldam's hand in Argos or Julius Caesar not been knifed to death?

我不认为我们可以就短剑为什么和何时没落下定论。I don't think we have any definitive answers as to why and when the gladius goes out of style.