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木化石可能会也可能不会被石化。Fossil wood may or may not be petrified.

木化石是以化石的状态保存著的木材。Fossil wood is wood that is preserved in the fossil record.

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先后发现的硅化木化石已达200余件。Fossil woods which were discovered successively total more than 200 pieces.

而在新疆自治区奇台县,就是化石出土地点,科学家还发现了几块树木化石。Near the site in Qitai County in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region were several fossils of petrified wood.

在海拔一万两千英尺的山上,达尔文发现了海贝,稍低处还有树木化石。A trip into the mountains showed Darwin seashells at a height of 12,000 feet. Lower down were fossil trees.

木化石的色调丰富多彩,有红、灰、棕、黑、土黄、淡黄和黄褐等颜色。The color of wood fossil is diverse, including red, grey, brown, black, soil yellow, light yellow and tawny ect.

同时,木化石也是研究古气候、地质和地理变迁的极为宝贵的原始资料。Meanwhile, wood fossil is also an extremely precious material to study changes of ancient climate, geology and geography.

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因此,除了其宝贵的科学价值以外,木化石还具有文化品位极高的艺术欣赏价值。Therefore, except for the high value of scientific research, wood fossil also has a high cultural value for artistic appreciation.

木化石文化价值-木化石可分为蛋白木化石、玉髓木化石、玛瑙木化石和普通木化石等许多品种。Wood fossil can be divided into Protein wood fossil, chalcedony wood fossil, agate wood fossil, common wood fossil and many other kinds.

本公司批量进口优质木化石及土耳其大理石荒料,竭诚欢迎您的光临与合作!We import the batch quantity of the high-quality Moca cream and marble blocks in Turkey, welcome you come to visit and cooperate with sincerity!

值得强调的是,每一件木化石制作的家具与雕塑在自然界都是独一无二的,也都是充满个性化的作品,每一件都经历了数百万年的历史。Once again each piece of our fossilised wood furniture and sculptures is a naturally unique and individual creation that remains millions of years old.

木化石往往以其精美的色泽闻名于世,某些木化石甚至还保留有原始木材的细胞结构。Petrified wood fossils are known for their exquisite colour and some pieces of petrified wood have retained the original cellular structure of the wood.

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对采自内蒙古霍林河煤田霍林河组下含煤段的丝炭化木化石进行了扫描电镜观察和描述。Some fusinized wood fossils from seam 14 and seam 17 of Lower Coal bearing Member of Huolinhe Formation in Huolinhe Coalfield were observed and described.

另一方面,落叶的银杏类和松柏类,以及裸子植物木化石中具有清楚的生长轮,又说明该地区的古气候存在着季节变化。On the other hand, some deciduous gymnosperms including Ginkgoales, and the presence of growth rings in the fossil secondary wood, indicate seasonal changes.

这些木化石全都由当地居民和农夫所采集,根据其尺寸和颜色再进行不同选材,之后再经过手工加工,打光,制作出了让人叹为观止的桌椅以及各种雕塑。The petrified wood fossils are collected by local indigenous people and farmers, selected for size and colour and then hand crafted and polished to produce stunning tables, chairs and sculptures.