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终于明白原来西皮只是说唱的一种主要形式。Hip-Hop is one main type of RAP.

京剧的西皮和二黄乃是清朝的产物。Hsi P'i and Erh Huang tunes were products of the Ch'ing Dynasty.

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普雷西皮斯的上部和下部砂岩单元都含油。Both the upper and lower sandstone units of the precipice are oil-bearing.

京剧有两百多年的历史,虽然叫做京剧,它的主旋律却源自安徽的“西皮”和湖北的“二黄”。Those fans are called "Piaoyou". Peking Opera has a history of over 200 years.

当京剧的西皮二黄遇上了英文里的ABCD,会是番怎麽样的光景?What would be seen if xi-pi and er-huang from Chinese opera run into ABCD from English?

西皮亚山火车站是招呼站,因此如果旅客想在该站上车,须打旗号向司机示意。Shippea Hill is a request stop, so passengers must flag down the driver if they want to board.

二簧腔又与湖北西皮形成皮簧合奏,奠定了徽剧的基础。Then the Erhuang Tone merged with Xipi Tone of Hubei, forming Pihuang Complex, laying a foundation for Anhui Opera.

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虽然叫做京剧,它的源头却是安徽的“二黄”和湖北的“西皮”。Though it is called Peking Opera, its main melodies originated from "Xipi" melody in Anhui Province and "Erhuang" melody is Hubei Province.

英国剑桥郡的西皮亚山火车站去年竟仅接待旅客12人次,荣登“全国最冷清车站榜”榜首。A table ranking of the quietest stations in the UK istopped by Shippea Hill station in Cambridgeshire, which astonishingly only 12 people used last year.

1620年代以后,满洲毛皮输入量极少,价格大涨,商人甚至以蒙古来的西皮,充当满洲的东皮贩售。However, after 1620, there was very little fur import from Manchuria due to fur price hikes. The merchants even used the western fur from Mongolia to sell as if it were the eastern fur from Manchuria.