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第三章阿垅新诗创作对其诗论的体现。Chapter III A Long Poem Writing Poetry reflects its.

在音乐会上,歌唱家朗诵了一些新诗。The singer pontificated some new poems at the concert.

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郭沫若当之无愧是中国新诗的奠基者。Guo Moruo is a well-deserved founder of Chinese New Poetry.

谢谢弟子茶桶空行打好了这两篇新诗。Thanks to disciple Detong Dakini for typing the two new poems.

在中国新诗史上,“现代派”是营造意象的高手。In chinese free-style verse modernism is adroit at creating images.

海子之死是后新诗潮的沉重象征。The death of Hai Zi is a heavy symbolization of post-new-poem-tide.

旧体诗和新诗分属于两个体系和两个时代。Classical Poem and New Poem are belong to different systems and ages.

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在中国新诗史上,曾卓是一位颇有影响的诗人。Zeng Zhuo is very influential in the history of Chinese modern poetry.

人们苦苦思索中国新诗的出路在哪里,十几年来论争不断。But the contestation has not being ended since more than ten years ago.

新诗宛见故人面,思入江山气象雄。Poetry Wan see old friends face, thinking into the country weather male.

应弟子心平之提请,我已写了新诗之翰墨。As requested by disciple Xin Ping I had written the new poem in calligraphy.

“新诗”概念是研究早期新诗的一个关节点。The concept of "new poetry" is a key issue in the study of the early new poetry.

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不同于新诗,它们是旧体或变体的格律诗。Unlike free verse , they are traditional metrical verses and semi-metrical verses.

这是否意味着美国诗歌对中国“五四”新诗的影响就小呢?。Does this mean that the American influenced the Chinese May Fourth new poetry less?

第二章,阐述梁宗岱新诗形式理论的主要内容。The second chapter illustrates the content of the theory on the modern poetic form.

很有趣地认识到,在圣经里面一共有365首新诗都是关于“不必恐惧”。It's interesting to note that there are 365 verses in the Bible that say, "Fear not.

解放后,他发起新民歌运动,希望通过借鉴民间歌谣发展新诗。After liberation, he initiates the New Folk Song Movement for developing Chinese poem.

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李商隐在诗歌艺术上创造了深婉精丽、富于感伤情调和象征暗示色彩的新诗风。LI Shang-yin created a kind of profound, brilliant, sentimental and symbolic new poems.

弄清这两个问题是为分析新诗和旧诗传统的异质性提供背景支持。Chapter Two concretely analyses the developing process of the revolution of the New Poetry.

“九叶”诗派是中国新诗发展史上一个高度自觉的现代主义诗歌流派。"Jiuye" is a highly conscious modernism poetic school in the history of Chinese new poetry.