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英语培训,中专非学历教育。English training school non-academic education.

七是加强中专学生情商的自我训练。Finally, they should strengthen self-training of EQ.

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中专或者高中毕业,至少5年工作经验。At least 5 years experience in machinery manufacturing area.

王静在昌平一所中专读书,平常住校。Wang Jing in Changping, a secondary school, usually resident.

山志是地方志中专志的一种,编纂历史源远流长。Orography is a kind of local gazetteer, it has a long history.

员工近百人,百分之九十五以上是大、中专毕业。Employees with 100, 95 percent above is big, secondary graduated.

很多人都瞧不起我们中专学生。Many people under estimate us as technology high school students.

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三分之二的空缺职位将需要中专技校以上的学历。Two-thirds of the available jobs will require post-secondary education.

中专刚毕业的朋友在一家服装店跑业务。He graduated from a secondary school and run business for a clothing shop.

本工程为丹东职业中专办公楼,为多层现浇钢筋混凝土框架结构。This is an office building. It is a multi–layer reinforced concrete frame.

我考进了一所根本没人想念的中专。I got accepted to a collegiate institute that no one else would like to go.

总协定中专有一章述及贸易和发展方面的问题。A special chapter of the general agreement deals with trade and development.

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市职业中专是全国首批国家级重点中等职业学校。City vocational school is the first national key secondary vocational schools.

大专学历,优秀的可放宽到高中或中专学历。College degree holder. Outstanding high school or polytechnic school graduates.

集大学专科教育、普通中专教育和师资培训于一体。Set college education, general secondary education and teacher training in one.

最后提出了职中专语文教师专业化的途径与策略。And lastly, it produces the way and methods of Chinese teachers' specialization.

中专毕业后,曾在另一家工厂做过模具制造。After graduating from the technical secondary school, I made matrixes in a factory.

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具有化工或设备专业中专或技校相关学历。Technical secondary school or relative degree in chemical engineering or equipment.

人们还不知道自然界中专性寄生菌的营养要求的本质。The nature of the nutritional requirements for obligate parasites in nature is unknown.

学校设有大专部和中专部,共12个专业。With post-secondary schools and secondary specialized schools, a total of 12 professionals.