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老鼠喜欢被挠痒痒。Rats like to be tickled.

还有在那里给脚趾挠痒痒?And where to tickle toes?

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你会给一只猿挠痒痒吗?Would you tickle a gorilla?

哇哦,我能在你腿上挠痒痒唉!I can scratch my leg on yours.

我膝盖弯儿怕痒痒。I'm ticklish behind the knees.

第一部分挠痒痒了!挠痒痒了!Part One Tickle, tickle, tickle.

——不然我就用脚后跟给你挠痒痒!lest I tickle thee with my heel!

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你的耳朵有没有痒痒?Have your ears itched and itched?

整晚昆虫咬得痒痒的。The i ects bite itched all night.

虫子的叮咬痒痒了一整夜。The insect bite itched all night.

整晚昆虫咬得痒痒的。The insects bite itched all night.

他给跳舞的猪挠痒痒。He tickled the pig who danced a jig.

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爱是挠痒痒,唤醒她!Love is waking her up with a tickle.

我喜欢风吹痒痒我头发的感觉I like to feel the wind tickle my hair

可能生痒痒,不过让人放松,而且很享受!It may tickle, but relax and enjoy it!

软风一阵一阵地吹上人面,怪痒痒的。And a gentle breeze caressed one's face.

出汗后为什么脸上总痒痒?After perspiring why on the face total itch?

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呵呵,妈妈给我搔痒痒。Ho, ho, Mom helps me scratch where it itches.

为什么脚底会怕挠痒痒?。Why is plantar meeting afraid of flinch crawly?

许多女人觉得这就是性爱上的挠痒痒。Many women find this to be sexually titillating.