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剥夺了我的世界。Rob me of my world.

不可剥夺的权利。Unalienable rights.

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不要剥夺你自己。Don't deprive yourself.

不可剥夺“是什么意思?What does "Unalienable" Mean?

父亲剥夺了自己继承人的继承资格。The father disowned his heirs.

它剥夺了你的快乐。So it deprives you of pleasure.

梵天被剥夺了判断力。That Brahma is bereft of sense.

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你可以剥夺子女的继承权.You can disinherit your children.

人权也是不可剥夺的。Human rights are also inalienable.

他因犯罪被剥夺财产。He forfeited his property by crime.

拿睡眠剥夺来举个例子。Take sleep deprivation for example.

与所有权来剥夺。With ownership comes dispossession.

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他企图剥夺我们一角钱。He had sought to deprive us of dime.

不可转让的门票,就是不可剥夺的。Nontransferable tickets are unalienable.

他们剥夺了他说话的权利。They deprived him of his right to speak.

他们剥夺了国王的所有权力。They divested the king of all his power.

被剥夺了希望并不就是绝望。Being deprived of hope is not despairing.

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持续不断的恐惧,会剥夺你的喜乐。Continuous fear will rob you of your joy.

你总不愿意剥夺她的继承权吧?You don't mean to disinherit her, do you?

人定胜天的想法剥夺我们得到神美好的礼物。Self-reliance robs us of God's good gifts.