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再见,奶奶!Bye, Grandma!

她没有奶奶。She has none.

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在这里呀,奶奶!Here I am, Grandmama!

但是奶奶都懂。But Granny understood.

到底虎妞喜欢奶奶么?Do I really like granny?

安琪儿,这是我奶奶。Angel, this is my grandma.

表弟住在奶奶家。Cousin in grandma's house.

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我看见奶奶在我的施洗仪式上。I saw nana at my baptizing.

奶奶,你的脚趾真好看。Your toes look nice, Gramma.

我奶奶非常健忘。My grandma is very forgetful.

奶奶亲切地抚慰爱丽丝。Grandma cozied Alice tenderly.

奶奶过去经常墨水笔来填这些空格。Grandma used todo them in ink.

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那你对奶奶说什么呢?What would you say to grandma?

我的奶奶很会烧鱼。And my grandma cooks fish well.

另一把锄头奶奶正在用呢!Grandma is using the other hoe.

我们去了爷爷奶奶家。We went tovisitmy grandparents.

他们是我的爷爷和奶奶。They are my grandpa and grandma.

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奶奶的,怎么不播放完整视频?WTF why is the not a full video?

他是由他奶奶带大的。He was brought up by his grandma.

只需耐心些,像奶奶那样。Just have patience, like Grannie.