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讨论了最佳氮磷钾配比及适宜范围。The optimum compound also was discussed.

解释房产、厂房、设备折旧如何体现了配比原则?Explain how depreciating PP&E is an example of the matching principle.

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用损益表进行分析时要注意权责发生制和配比原则。The analysis on it should base on the accruals and matching conceptions.

灰鹅绒-在重量、体积等配比方面具有最杰出的性能,价格较白鹅绒便宜。Very fine , but cheaper than the white down . minimum weight and volume.

目的优选温经克痹散发热材料的最佳配比。Objective To optimize the best ratio of hot material of Wenjing Kebi Pulvis.

研究了催化剂用量、反应原料配比及堿用量对产物收率的影响。The effect of catalyst, epichlorohydrin and base on product yield was studied.

绘出了脱铅率的等高线图,为设计除铅剂的配比提供了直观有效的方法。Accordingly, a practical removing lead rate contour map is given for reference.

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本文选用不同的单体及配比对酪素进行了改性。This paper studied the modification of casein by different monomers and ratios.

讨论了反应温度、原料配比对偶氮苯产率的影响。Effect of reaction temperature, raw material ratio on the reaction was discussed.

在一定的配比范围内对混合物进行了循环性能和可燃性分析。The impact of mixing ratio on cycle performance and flammability was investigated.

你无需改变介质的基本配比,也不要加太多的珍珠岩。You will not be changing the basic design of the mix but do not overdo the perlite.

方法分别用不同配比的壳聚糖和明胶制备复合支架,并向1组配比中加入BMP-2。BMP-2 was added into the scaffold with the volume ratio of chitosan to gelatin of 4∶1.

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确定了溶剂的精确配比,选择了适宜的展开剂。The precision ratio of solvent was confirmed, and feasible spread solvent was selected.

凸角侧向腐蚀程度与腐蚀深度、腐蚀温度、腐蚀剂配比等诸多因素有关。It was relative to the etching depths, temperature and the etchant proportion and types.

研究者首先在新生儿重症监护室挑选了28位后来被确诊的自闭症婴儿,然后根据性别和胎龄,将他们与其他112名正常的婴儿进行配比。They matched them by gender and gestational age with 112 babies who did not have autism.

座与石的颜色配比,要天然、调和,构成共同的风格。And the ratio of the color of the stone, to natural, harmonic, constitute a common style.

对皂荚胶与黄原胶的最佳配比及其复配胶流变性进行了研究。The rheology of a compound system of Gleditsia sinensis gum with xanthan gum was studied.

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应用均匀设计的方法对利福霉素SV发酵培养基中的氮源配比进行优化。Uniform design method was employed to optimize the medium for production of rifamycin SV.

随着溶剂配比的降低.晶体中油酸和滤液中亚油酸的质量分数均提高。Decreasing proportion solvent increases the mass fraction of oleic acid and linoleic acid.

但在植保上应用的糖醋酒液配方中的糖、醋、酒成分及配比却比较混乱,难于重复和推广应用。However, the formulas of MSAE in use are indistinct, and hard to be repeated and extended.