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改头换面的熊仍然能够吃了你A bear with a face-lift can still eat you

风险资本改头换面进入投机热。Venture capital transmogrified into speculative fever.

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官方历史就这样不声不响地改头换面了。An official revision of history was quietly taking place.

我那份改头换面的成绩单,并没有引起商学院的疑虑。My duff transcript did not faze the schools I applied to.

公司打算改头换面作为美亚保险公司控股有限公司。The company intends to re-fashion itself as AIU Holdings.

让我最兴奋的是改头换面的手机的发明。I’m most excited about the innovation of Phones That Don’t Suck.

随着美国的面貌改变,美国种族主义也改头换面了。As the face of America has changed, so has the face of American racism.

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至于牛津的方头平底船是否需要类似的改头换面,仍然要审慎评估。It remains to be seen whether the Oxford punt will get a similar makeover.

史蒂文斯的奢华风格,华丽的语言加之绝顶的文韵和改头换面的诗风。Stevens's sumptuous, glittering language takes blank verse and reinvents it.

在100个朋友面前改头换面,加入工业书籍讨论小组,不要只是参加讨论会,试着在大会上发言。Do resume makeovers for 100 friends. Start a neighborhood or industry book group.

改头换面之后理所应当有个新的名字,于是乎,Thilafushi垃圾岛就诞生了。The facelift warranted a name change, so Thilafushi, the garbage island was born.

这场奇异鞋展的名字叫作“改头换面的鞋子”。They are being shown at the Reinventing Shoe exhibition at La Capella dels Angels.

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以上现象表明教育和医疗正亟待一场改头换面的革新。What this suggests is that education and healthcare are ripe for disruptive innovation.

生命是必须得改头换面的,不自我超越便只有堕落消沉。Life is bound to change. Without self-transcendence it will surely fall into lower level.

投资者仍在怀疑,是否仅靠行政性分拆就能让这家银行改头换面.Investors remained doubtful that a mere administrative breakup could turn the bank around.

在债务重组方面,旧债改头换面被新债取代。In debt restructuring, the existing debt is metaphorically torn up and replaced by new debt.

当然,那些最不招人待见的建筑物还是会被推倒重建或改头换面。Still, many of the ugliest modernist structures will be redone and otherswill be demolished.

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这些客户之后就会回去告诉他们在网络上的亲朋好友,你已然改头换面。These customers may turn around and tell their online friends that you don't suck after all.

只要一些简单的技巧就能让你的龟速电脑改头换面了。A few simple techniques can make a big difference when your PC's performance slows to a crawl.

显然,他向所有自己曾经伤害过的人,做出了公开道歉,并且表示要从此改头换面,弃恶从善。Evidently he made a public apology to everyone he’d hurt saying he wanted to do good from then on.