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没有烧木柴的炉子?No wood-burning stove?

给炉子劈点木柴来。Chop some wood for the fire.

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这木柴太湿点不着。This wood is too wet to kindle.

炉中的木柴烧得噼啪作响。A log fire crackled in the hearth.

他把那棵树锯成一小块一小块的木柴。He sawed the tree up for firewood.

那块木头已劈成了木柴。The log has slivered into kindling.

艾伦拣了些木柴点起了火。Alan gathered sticks and lit a fire.

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他用一把干草引燃了这些木柴。He ignited the wood with a band of hay.

他加了一些木柴,使火旺些。He added some wood to increase the fire.

木柴烟升起来又青又直。The wood-smoke went up blue and straight.

木柴在火中哔哔剥剥烧的正旺。The logs were burning briskly in the fire.

烟叶是用木柴的烟熏烤加工而成的。The tobacco leaves are cured in wood smoke.

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这木柴太湿,不容易点燃。The wood was wet and wouldn’t kindle easily

我已经捆好木柴了。I have already finished bundling the firewood.

于是这位善良的神仙每天晚上收集木柴。So the good spirit collected wood every night.

发青的木柴没有干透,不好烧。Wood which is green is not dry enough to burn.

下星期用的木柴我们已备足了吗?Have we enough firewood in for the coming week?

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是啊,每次都让兰道夫去找木柴。Oh sure, always let Randolph go and get the wood.

下周用的木柴我们己备足了。We've kept enough firewood in for the coming week.

为了节约开支,他在家中以木柴取暖。He saves on expenses by heating his home with wood.