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或者是录音机。Or a dictaphone.

那是一台新的录音机。That's a new recorder.

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这台录音机花了你多少钱?。How did the radio cost you?

咱们每人都有录音机。Each of us get a tape-recorder.

我们每个人都有一个录音机。Each of us has a tape-recorder.

请把录音机开响些。Please alter the recorder dhave.

他们只有一台录音机。They had only one record player.

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请插一下录音机。Plug in the tape-recorder, please.

那人偷了我的录音机。The man acquired my tape recorder.

不要乱动我的录音机。Don't fiddle with my tape-recorder.

每台小汽车装着一台录音机。Each car is fitted with a recorder.

我买了一台录音机来听唱歌。I bought a tape-recorder for a song.

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带有自动倒带装置的录音机。A tape-recorder with an auto-reverse.

你能找到一个盒带录音机吗?Can you find a audio cassette player?

卡尔把录音机抢了过去。Carl snatched the tape recorder away.

影碟机你的录音机坏了。Your tape recorder is out of control.

这是一个非常贵重的录音机。This is a very expensive tape-recorder.

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他用他的录音机录了我的讲话。He taped my speech on his tape-recorder.

一台微型录音机,一只金表。One small tape recorder. One gold watch.

我的录音机你可以假座三天。You can keep my recorder for three days.