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宿舍的囤积着。Dorm hoarder.

十在宿舍内有炊爨行为。Cooking in the dorm.

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学校男生宿舍出租,双人间。School dorm for rent.

你住在宿舍吗?Do you live in a dorm?

宿舍里的居家生活。Family life in a dorm.

那是男生宿舍。That's the men's dormitory.

这是工人的宿舍。This is workers' dormitory.

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宿舍内包窗套。Window casing in dorm room.

请问603宿舍在哪里?。Could you show me dormitory 603?

我的宿舍是十四楼三一八房间。My dorm is Room 318, Building 14.

没办法,集体宿舍的饭盆总是被人拿走。Lead, follow or get out of the way!

我怎样评价宿舍的有关政策呢?What do I think of the dorm policy?

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窗外,新宿舍,庆北大学食堂。View from the window of my new dorm.

其他房屋则变成了多个家庭合住的单位宿舍。Others house multiple local families.

你怎样评价宿舍的有关政策呢?What do you think of the dorm policy?

海伦,我想搬到宿舍去住。Hellen, I want to move into the dorms.

我们宿舍风岭流行。Wind-bells are popular in our bedroom.

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大学宿舍生活可能相当难受。College dorm life can be rather trying.

我住在辽一号宿舍缗楼。I live in the NO. 1 dormitory building.

之前经常跟我们宿舍舍长两人一起来吃饭…I used to have meals with my dorm head.