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女人有懦夫感应。Women have WUSS-DAR.

三相感应马达“,”Three Phase Induction Motor.

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福州洁利来感应设备有限公司。GLLO Induction Equipment Co. , Ltd.

这些作家感应到什么呢?What are such authors attuning unto?

我刚亡失了50英镑钱,因此我感应非常不安。I had just lost £50 and I felt very upset.

光感应液晶顶篷。The photo sensitive liquid crystal canopy.

茶桶,将此增入于感应类中。Detong, add this to inspirational category.

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标准型三相感应电动机“,”Three Phase Induction Motor, Standard Type.

从仙女座代表而来的自心灵感应式的自动书写Visions from the Andromedan representatives

他小便时感应发烫和痛苦悲伤。He has had burning or pain when he urinates.

上海洁利来感应设备有限公司。Shanghai GLLO Induction Equipment Co. , Ltd.

标准型单相感应电动机“,”Single phase Induction Motor, Standard Type.

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可使用紫外线或离子感应棒。They use ultraviolet or flame rod detectors.

我的坟冢遂感应温暖甜蜜。And all my grave shall warmer and sweeter be.

非标准型三相感应电动机“,”Three Phase Induction Motor, Non-Standard Type.

你是一个魔法师并且小有心灵感应术。You are an Illusionist and somewhat telepathic.

我的脸一会儿变红了,我为自己的行为感应忸捏。My face turned red and I felt ashamed of myself.

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非标准型单相感应电动机“,”Single Phase Induction Motor, Non-Standard Type.

从仙女座代表而来的自心灵感应式的自动书写Automatic writing from Andromedan representatives

论述了高频感应焊接的原理。This article describes the HFI welding principle.