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灰色椭圆形是小型飞船。The gray oval is a blimp.

我们都知道飞船登月的故事。We know the moon-shot story.

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猎户飞船将有更多的电能储备。Orion will have more power, too.

幽冥飞船的船长?The captain of the Flying Dutchman?

该飞船有二级超光速推进器。The ship has a class two hyperdrive.

中国发射神州一号飞船China launches its 1st Shenzhou spacecraft

清道夫飞船名为“袭击者号”。The scavenger vessel is called the Raider.

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要是下个世纪我能乘飞船去火星该有多好呀!I wish to visit Mars by spaceship next century.

作为“双子星座8号”飞船的首席飞行员他进入太空。He went into space as Command Pilot of Gemini 8.

泰罗尔和凯莉造的那个隐形飞船叫什么?Name the stealth ship that Tyrol and Cally built.

这艘星际飞船后来坠毁在达索米尔星。The starship crashed onto the planet of Dathomir.

他带着他的孩子坐了那里的太空飞船。He took his children to ride on the flying swings.

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太阳帆飞船走得越久速度越快。Solar-sail ships go faster the longer they travel.

一个侏儒发明家声称他可以制造一价飞船。A gnome inventor claims he can build a flying ship.

他迷失的目光与杰克相遇,然后,他消失在飞船之中。His eyes -- the eyes of a lost soul -- meet JAKE’S.

阿纳金看到克诺比在她的飞船上后,丧失理智。When Anakin saw Kenobi aboard her ship, he snapped.

大鸨级飞船现作为獾级蓝图II的发明要求。MK II for invention purposes as the BPC requirement.

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出乎意料地,飞船在着陆的时候撞坏了。Unexpectedly, the craft crashed when it was landing.

“别犯傻了,”他说,“这是一艘火箭飞船。“Don't be an idiot,” he said.“This is a rocket ship.

听着,地球司令正忙着制造火星的飞船。Earth Commander is working on the spaceship for Mars.