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轮机师决定用水冲洗船舱。The engineer decided to flush the hold of the ship.

这个年轻的美国机师咬住了嘴唇,摇了摇头。The young American pilot bit his lip, shaking his head.

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年轻的机师抬起头来,看着对方的双眼。The young pilot looked up, into the eyes of the young man.

这架737班机共有两名机师,四名空服员和148名乘客。The 737 had two pilots, four flight attendants and 148 passengers.

我没见法拉利输掉一次比赛,就解雇掉所有的技术人员和机师。If the Ferrari doesn't win a race, they don't fire the whole staff.

军官,技师和二级准尉机师穿产白色工装裤。Officers, engineers and warrant officer engineers wore white overalls.

有一周,他完成自己的工作之余还帮其他几个钢铁机师代工。One week, he did his own work and that of several other steel-drivers.

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约翰·亨利娶了另一位钢铁机师波莉·安,并育有一个儿子。John Henry married another steel-driver, a woman named Polly Ann. They had a son.

年轻的机师似乎在怜悯着迪奥,因为这个美国男孩不理解他的所作所为。The young pilot seemed tp pity Duo, as if the American didn't understand something that he did.

作为一名美军P-38野马战机的机师,奋勇向前,在海洋,丛林和沙漠上空,冲杀出属于自己的一条光荣之路!As a pilot of a P-38 Lightning in the Second World War you clear your way over seas, jungles and deserts.

铅制面罩案“指的是1966年在巴西发现两具电气机师尸体的事件。The Lead Masks Case refers to the discovery of the bodies of two electronic technicians in Brazil in 1966.

莫克再次声明,机师工会支持达美航空在合适的条件下进行合并。Moak reiterated that the pilots union would support a merger involving Delta under the right circumstances.

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过去两年,印度有57位机师被捉到飞行前血液中有酒精反应。In the last two years in India, 57 pilots have been caught for having alcohol in their blood before a flight.

不同口径的武器在射击和造成伤害的方式上不同,以满足不同游戏风格的机师。Every caliber will differ in how it shoots and deals damage, and will complement different playstyles from the players.

为令旅客留下深刻印象,连来往该岛的航机服务员,包括机师,都是金发尤物。To enable the visitors impressed, even the flight attendants and from the island, including pilots, are blonde stunner.

由于机师工业行动升级,国泰由今日起缩减两成航班服务。Cathay is to reduce 20 per cent of its daily scheduled flights from today because of escalating industrial action by the pilots.

由岢岚亲自挑选的最佳机师组成的精英小组,则在南加州戴维营接受搭载各类空中目标的任务。One elite group, formed from Cochran’s best flyers, received an assignment to tow aerial targets at Camp Davis in South Carolina.

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当局也表示,该飞行员有超过4400小时的飞行经验,副机师有超过6000小时的飞行经验。Authorities also said that the pilot had more than 4,400 hours of flying experience, while the co-pilot had more than 6,000 hours.

虽然空务员是在飞机上为乘客服务的,相比机师,飞行员似乎没有什么技术含量。Although Air Services Rapporteur on airplanes for passenger service, compared to pilots, the pilots did not seem to be technical content.

中国第一个太空人,杨利伟宣布第一个女太空人将会系十六个刚刚毕业的战斗机机师中选出离。China first astronaut Yang Li Wai announced that the first woman astronaut will be chosen from the sixteen female fighter pilots just graduated.