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其他的则生活在拖车里。Others live in trailers.

我们乘拖车式活动房屋在乡间旅行。We trailered about the country.

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艾米纳姆成长在拖车停车场。Eminem grew up on atrailer park.

谁能来帮帮拖车托尼?Who will help Tony the Tow Truck?

一辆拖车正托运我们的巴士。A haulage truck is towing our bus.

同时,我的拖车是嫩黄色的。Also, my trailer is bright yellow.

一队的雪橇和拖车。The chain of sledges and tractors.

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一辆拖车连环相撞,所以…With a jackknifed trailer truck, so.

很好,因为这是乡巴佬拖车的电影!Fitting, since this is Mater's movie.

他们用拖车将这艘小船运至海滩。They trailered the boat to the beach.

以托尼的拖车为例。Take, for example, Tony the Tow Truck.

下一步正将模块装上低矮的拖车。The next step is loading the lowboy trailer.

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卡车或带拖车的机动车一律靠右行驶。Trucks Or Vehicles With Trailers Keep Right.

当使用拖车辅助刈草,谨记放慢速度。When using the additional cart, move slowly.

配备的小拖车可以方便的移动举升机。The equipped trailer can easily move the lift.

还有一个我租过来搬你东西的U型拖车。There's the U-Haul I rented to move your things.

开走之前,再检查一下拖车的挂钩。Before driving away, re-check the trailer coupling.

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清洗拖车需要水,肥皂和蜡。Cleaning the trailer requires water , soap and wax.

在它的产品中间有水泥搅拌车和拖车。Among its products are cement mixers and tow trucks.

一些野营地为拖车准备了电连接。Some campsites have electrical hookups for trailers.