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他弯起胳臂。He crooked his arm.

他举起胳臂。He uplifted his arm.

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他一把抓住了我的胳臂。He snatched at my arm.

他妈妈抓住他的胳臂。His mother squeezed his arm.

他把紧攥着我的胳臂的手松开。He unlocked his grip on my arm.

我胳臂上长的疖子已成熟可以去脓了。The boil on my arm has ripened.

他跌倒时企图抓住我的胳臂。He clutched at my arm as he fell.

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思嘉的手从他的胳臂上滑下来。Scarlett’s hand fell from his arm.

她的胳臂肘支在桌子上。Her elbows were resting on the table.

她用胳臂挡住他的殴打。She received his blows with her arms.

她的一只胳臂在事故中伤残了。Her arm was mutilated in the accident.

他那软弱的胳臂没力气地放了下来。His feeble arm dropped powerless down.

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他那软弱的胳臂没力气地放了下来。His feeble arm dropped powerlessly down.

我感觉到他的手牢牢抓住我的胳臂。I felt the clench of his hand on my arm.

她胳臂上的大片皮肤被擦破了。Much of the skin on her arm was abraded.

他的胳臂被反绑在背后。His arms were tied together behind his back.

他弯着胳臂抱着那些书。He carried the books in the crook of his arm.

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他用他的两个瘦胳臂抱住她,抽泣着He clasped her in his two feeble arms, sobbing

留神你的胳臂肘别刮掉了那只茶杯。Mind you, don't catch that cup with your elbow.

但是我把蜡烛夺过来,抓住他的胳臂。I snatched it away, however, and seized his arm.