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的蓝环相互辉映。Has embraced the blue ring.

她的脸上辉映着天国的圣景。And Heaven reflected in her face.

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美丽的月亮辉映着夜晚。Beautiful moon that shineth by night.

造反派战士和囚犯相互辉映。Rebels fighters and prisoners embraced.

你长在诗里和情人眼里辉映。You live in this, and dwell in lover's eyes.

金璧辉映﹐蓝白红黄。They look splendid in blue, white, red and yellow.

那座古塔在晨曦的辉映下轮廓分外鲜明。The ancient pagoda stood out in relief against the dawn.

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芙蓉花色的餐厅辉映花园的颜色。HIbiscus colored Dining Room echoes the colors of the garden.

著嫩笋丁子,红白绿三色辉映,鲜艳夺目,汤中泛出荷叶的清香,想。The soup looked marvelous with the red, white and green colours.

主色调贯穿整个房间,深色的地板与之辉映。Mass-tone moves perforative and whole room, brunet floor to it reflect.

长期以来,中西方文化在香港相互辉映,相互交融。For a long time, Hong Kong has embraced the Eastern and Western cultures.

长时期以来,中西方文化在香港相互辉映,相互交融。For a long time, Hong Kong has embraced the eastern and western cultures.

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我继续着黑色阴影,白色阴影或与光相辉映的石头阴影的创作。I am working with shades of black, white or stone which interact with light.

钢外壳,银指针,鳄鱼皮表带与钢相会辉映,自动运动。Steel, silver dial and alligator strap on steel folding buckle. Automatic movement.

极限运动与涂鸦互相辉映,领略非一般的街头激情。B-BOX. Extreme sports and graffiti it might be a taste of an ordinary street passion.

崧蓝绿色的弹性座垫和崧蓝绿色桌面相互辉映。The pastel turquoise seat cushionsmatched the pastel turquoise laminate of the table top.

峰峦叠嶂此处风景独好,辉映九州兄弟勠力同心。Mountainous overlapping scenery here alone good, reflect kyushu brothers concentric force.

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舒展旋转着,从这边滑向那边,像那精美的珍珠,与笑声相辉映。Stretching and turning, slipping and sliding, like delicate pearls, glinting with laughter.

落日的辉映下打的双颊羞红,像一颗熟透的果子,准备着夜色来收获。Flushed with the glow of sunset earth seems like a ripe fruit ready to be harvested by night.

但看起来这里的人为艺术已经和自然融为一体,这与印加文明中的二元概念互相辉映。It seems here as if the work of man and nature fuses into one, echoing the Incan concept of duality.