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我炸蝴蝶火鸡胸。I fry the butterfly turkey breast instead.

鸡胸朝下、放在烤架上、再把烤架放到一个浅烤盘上。Place breast side down on a roasting rack in a shallow roasting pan.

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两个小时不吃特色烤鸡胸你就一刻也呆不下去?What's the matter— you can't last two hours without chicken parmigiana?

你说什么?两个小时不吃特色烤鸡胸你就一刻也呆不下去?What's the matter— you can't last two hours without chicken parmigiana ?

分展而开的阴蒂脚有些像鸡胸上叉状的如愿骨。The legs of the clitoris flare out somewhat like the wish bone of a chicken.

结果显示,感染雏鸡胸腺、腔上囊及脾均表现不同程度的病理学损伤。There were pathologic lesions in the thymus, bursa and spleen of the chickens.

他拿了块鸡胸,开心的吃起来但是不小心掉了。He picked up a chicken breast, enjoyed eating it and then accidentally dropped it.

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最后10分钟时,撒上披萨芝士在鸡胸上,不盖铝箔,烤至芝士融化即可取出。Top with pizza cheese at the last 10 minutes, bake without foil until cheese melt.

鸡胸放在烤盘上,盖上一张铝箔纸,烤40至45分钟。Place chicken in prepared pan, cover with foil, bake for 40 to 45 minutes until done.

上等眼肉牛排配肉嫩多汁的碳烤鸡胸,配上波本酱,芝士土豆泥和厨师精选蔬菜。Juicy chicken breast with Ribeye steak. Served with mashed potato and chef's vegetable.

选用绞肉时,最好也能用鸡肉或火鸡胸来代替牛肉。Choose when wringing the flesh, best also can replace beef with chicken or turkey bosom.

鸡胸直切成4-5块,淋上绿胡椒汁即可。可配食一些蔬菜。Slice the chicken breast crosswise into 4-5 piece and drizzle with green sauce to serve.

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好,这里是四块鸡胸,三客中炸薯条,一条玉蜀黍和一杯大可乐。Okay, that's four breasts of chicken, three medium fries, one corn on the cob and one large cola.

胸廓发育畸形,俗称鸡胸,是儿童缺钙的典型症状。Thoracic malformations, commonly known as chicken, children, the typical symptoms of calcium deficiency.

是,我想要两块鸡胸,八块鸡片,三客中炸薯条,一条玉蜀黍,劳驾。Yes, I want two breasts of chicken, eight chicken nuggets, three medium fries, and one corn on the cob, please.

是,我想要两块鸡胸,八块鸡片,三客中炸薯条,一条玉米棒,劳驾。Yes, I want two breasts of chicken, eight chicken nuggets, three medium fries, and one corn on the cob , please.

同样,我知道每天中午饭时间我都会饿,所以周日时我会多烤五个鸡胸出来,做成鸡肉卷或三明治给工作日准备着。So on Sundays I'll grill up five extra chicken breasts and make a chicken wrap or sandwich for every day of the week.

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当朱莉听到我用擀面杖敲打鸡胸发出的莫名其妙动静时,她走进厨房。When she hears the baffling sound of me pounding the chicken breasts with a rolling pin, Julie comes into the kitchen.

病毒能够在雏鸡胸腺、肝脏和骨髓内繁殖,其中胸腺内病毒增殖最快,病毒滴度最高,肝脏其次,骨髓最低。CAV could propagate in chickens' thymus, liver, bone marrow. The titer of CAV in thymus is higher than liver and bone marrow.

每天自顾自地、高高兴兴地吃我从小到大一直吃的东西——鸡胸、火鸡三明治、汉堡和牛排。I was going about my business, happily eating the foods I was raised on—chicken breasts, turkey sandwiches, hamburgers and steaks.