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他摆出一副严肃的面孔。He put on a serious look.

从轮船上望去,这是一个棕色面孔的海洋。It is a sea of brown faces.

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柯瑟琳凝视着这两张面孔。Catherine stared at the faces.

他就是一个新中国的面孔?Is he the face of a new China?

她的面孔在我的记忆留下了烙印。Her face burned into my memory.

她的面孔表明了她的感觉。Her face indicates her feelings.

他的面孔渐渐苍白。His face grew whiter and whiter.

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他的面孔被太阳晒成古铜色。His face was bronzed by the sun.

他为她的无礼言词而板起面孔。He stiffened at her rude remarks.

我知道我发现那张面孔很美丽。I know that I found it beautiful.

她很有兴趣地打量着他的面孔。She -died his face with interest.

他的面孔瘦削,晒得黑黑的。His face is thin and mm-ery tanned.

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我们的许多客户都是老面孔。Many of my customers are old faces.

我以前在哪儿见过这张面孔?Where have I seen your face before?

一副宽阔,标准,坚毅的女人面孔。A broad-planed strong, womanly face.

她的眼睛又扫视了一次我的面孔。Once again her eyes scanned my face.

你风信子的柔发、古典的面孔。Thy hyacinth hair, thy classic face.

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快乐和勇气造就英俊的面孔。Joy and courage make a handsome face.

她的面孔俊俏极了。She has a wonderfully beautiful face.

突然一张面孔出现在门口。Suddenly a face appeared at the door.