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香菇切成小粒。Finely chop the mushroom.

如何挑选新鲜的香菇?How to pick fresh mushrooms?

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将肉类和香菇加入,加肉时水必沸。Add meat when water is boiling.

有鸡片汤、香菇清汤等等。I prefer dried mushroom clear soup.

我想要个广东菜。我们有鸡片汤、香菇清汤等等。I think I'd like to have Guangdong food.

本地生菜,香菇,豆芽。Local lettuce, Shitake mushroom, Bean sprouts.

知道点药用菌,好比香菇和冬虫夏草。Learn about medicinal mushrooms like cordyceps.

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承租人在山坡地种香菇。Tenant farmers grow mushrooms on the hillsides.

三文鱼、鸡蛋、香菇、豆芽。It made of salmons, eggs, mushrooms, bean sprouts.

香菇用水浸泡20分钟,沥干后切成小块。Soak the black mushrooms in water for about 20 minutes.

卡拉马它橄榄、香菇、朝鲜蓟嫩心和沙拉米。Olives, Shiitake Mushrooms, Artichoke Hearts, and Salami.

③香菇多糖使末梢血中性幼稚细胞比例明显增加。Immature neutrophil ratio in tumor lentinan group increased.

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放入葱白和香菇炒香。Add in scallion and black mushrooms, stirring until fragrant.

月亮桥炒面以虾、猪肉、鸡肉、香菇及青菜配搭油面快炒。Chow Mein with shrimp, pork chicken, mushroom and vegetables.

我们有鸡片汤、香菇清汤等等。We have sliced chicken soup, dried mushroom clear soup so on.

放入葱白和香菇炒香。Add in scallion and black mushrooms, stirring until fragrant.

陇南生产香菇已有200多年的历史。Longnan mushroom production has more than 200 years of history.

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寒风恣意劲,香菇惹人怡。Wind affairs-arbitrary strength, mushroom provoking satisfying.

馅料可以是蛋、肉、豆类、栗子、香菇等。The fillings can be egg, meat, beans, chestnuts, mushrooms, etc.

顺福有营馀,其实是香菇蒸鱼,因为有侍应帮忙分。Steamed Soon Hock Fish with Shimeiji Mushroom, the fish is fresh.