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他有一副钢筋铁骨。He has an iron constitution.

我们的军队是我们国家这艘航船上的钢筋铁骨。Our troops are the steel in our ship of state.

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铁骨铮铮,我们在火辣辣的太阳下不屈不挠,认真练习。With strong mind, we are dauntless and practicing hard in the torrid sun.

他一直习武,锻炼成一副钢筋铁骨。He has been practicing martial art since childhood and has muscles of iron.

在大的俱乐部,你必须练就钢筋铁骨,因为一堆人会掂着砖看着你!In a big club, you need to be extremely strong because you get a lot of negative vibes.

她的小说中的那些男主人公们,往往都是既有铮铮的铁骨,同时又有深深的柔情。The hero in her novels have not only the clank of lofty character, but also tender passion.

远远看往,好象两条钢筋铁骨的巨蟒爬向那高地的山脊。It seemed as though two immense adders of steel were to be seen crawling towards the crest of the table-land.

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读着大侄儿的“君子坦荡荡”,品味着大侄儿的“龙性谁驯”一个铁骨铮铮的男子汉会是所有人的骄傲的!Read the great nephew of" a gentleman", taste great nephew" dragon tamer who" an unyielding man will be proud of!

象吉米那样的行家也跑不过罗拔特,这家伙又不需要太空服,又长著四条腿,还一身钢筋铁骨。Jimmy, expert though he was, couldn't outrace Robutt, who didn't need a spacesuit, and had four legs and tendons of steel.

花红挺身而出,斥责二当家,沈家门是杀日本人而死的,整个辛浦镇上,只有沈家门才是一条铁骨铮铮的汉子。Two bonus to rebuke Shenjiamen is headed, killing Japanese died, the entire Xin Pu town, only Shenjiamen is an upright man.

能连续做800个仰卧起坐、220个俯卧撑,出拳打击力量达到350公斤,能不间断奔跑60公里,是一位铁骨铮铮的硬汉子。Able to do 800 sit-ups a row, 220 push-ups, punches strike force of 350 kilograms, can run 60 km non-stop, is a tough one upright.