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他是个棉花种植场主。He is a cotton planter.

农业种植糜、谷、土豆。Mi farming, Gu, potatoes.

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我也不知道什么香蕉种植地,正如我不知道什么是袋鼠一样!I did not know what to do.

我们的农场上种植豆角。We grow beans on our farm.

日本农民种植水稻。Japanese farmers grow rice.

食物都在当地种植The food was raised locally.

他种植了一行洋白菜。He planted a row of cabbages.

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又到种植鳞茎的时节了。It's time to plant the bulbs.

他在他的农场种植包心菜。He grows cabbages on his farm.

全年均可种植。Year-round all can be planted.

我们应该种植大量的树。We should plant a lot of trees.

一场风暴损坏了种植的苹果。A hailstorm hurt the apple crop.

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大多数人种植花木是为了娱乐。Most people garden for pleasure.

部分土地在同一季内种植了两种作物。Part of the land is double-crop.

咃们种植苌纤维棉埖。They grow cotton of long staple.

他们在农场种植土豆。They grow potates on their farm.

那些树正在被他们种植。Trees are being planted by them.

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让小型种植户直接与市场接轨。Linking small producers to markets.

提姆叔叔正在种植一棵木棉树。Uncle Tim is planting a kapok tree.

玉米的种植面积居于首位。Corn acreage pushed into first place.