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宿舍里的居家生活。Family life in a dorm.

他是个典型的居家男人。He's a typical homebody.

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为南城留下一个居家的经典。For Nancheng left a family classic.

这是电视节目「改善居家」的开场。Thus begins a home-improvement TV program.

居家摆设的风水阵有几种?。How many types of Fengshui formations are there?

吹风机与电熨斗已经成为普及的居家电器。Hair drier and electric iron is popular in our life.

那就是著名的居家鸡汤,我能再要一碗么?Famous homemade chicken soup, can I have another bowl?

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用于居家,为小较小快速修复在多数软的塑料。Homes, for small minor quick fix on most soft plastics.

上星期五,这几个居家男人一起去了纳切斯河。Last Friday these family men left for the Naches River.

上班族,居家者,学生在这里漫步走过。Office workers, families and schoolchildren amble past.

你想买新的运动服和居家服。You'll want to buy new athletic clothes and loungewear.

隐藏在印花布居家服下面的是一颗纯邪恶的内心。Beneath that chintz housecoat beats a heart of pure evil.

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我男朋友很会煮菜,他很居家。e.g My boyfriend can cook very well. He is so domesticated!

他们所要做的其实就是在居家企业里实习一个周末。All they have to do is intern at your home biz for a weekend.

首先,选择房子里的哪块地方作为你的居家办公室很重要。It is important to pick the right space for your home office.

可口可乐不光好喝,它还有很多居家用途呢!This list of uses was tested on ordinary, original Coca Cola.

我们很少在家过这些普通市民的居家日子。We are too seldom at home to lead lives of ordinary townsfolk.

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数位网路IP远距老人、小孩居家照护系统设备。Network Mr. IP long-range, the child home looks after the system.

服饰配件、珠宝配饰、办公室用具、居家用品。Dress Accessory, jewel accessory, household appliance, office appliance.

典型的居家一族。蟹子最爱品尝自己亲手做的美食或是叫外卖。A homebody at heart, the Crab enjoys a good home-cooked meal or take-out.