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在田野上奔跑。Running ober the fields.

田野穿上绯红色的衣袍。The field a scarlet gown.

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田野穿上多彩的礼服。The field as carlet gown.

月光照亮了田野。The moon kindled the field.

他们抄近路穿过田野。They cut across the fields.

他骑马驰过田野。He galloped across the field.

田野里全都结了霜。The fields have frosted over.

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树林,小河,田野,炊烟。Forests, rivers, fields, smoke.

秋天的田野果实累累。The fields in autumn are fruity.

我喜欢在田野中漫步。I like to roam around the fields.

他骑马奔驰过田野。The horse galloped down the hill.

这面墙一直延伸到田野里。The wall runs out into the field.

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我们常在田野里看见羊。We often see sheep in the fields.

我喜欢在田野中策马飞奔。I enjoy galloping over the fields.

田野被雨水淹没。The fields were deluged with rain.

田野上的皑皑白雪,那些树。The snow on the fields, the trees.

这是一种田野里常见的花。It is a flower common in the field.

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杨柳见于田野丘陵。The willowy hills and fields among.

最后,金色的田野里,僵直的麦子Till the gold fields of stiff wheat

在田野的僻静处,在森林之荫?At the secluded field, the shade at?