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“轻度狂躁”的人有着惊人的精力。Hypomanic people have tremendous energy.

狂躁发作的少年儿童可能Children and teens having a manic episode may

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我现在有些狂躁,这没关系吧?“Does it matter if I am a little manic right now?

如果变动工资不能制止狂躁的局面,那么政府管制能吗?If altering pay cannot stop manias, can regulation?

吼叫,转圈,前冲和狂躁兴奋。Bellowing, circling, head pressing & maniacal excitement.

“轻度狂躁”的人有着惊人的精力。Hypomanic people have tremendous energy. Clinton hardly sleeps.

如果这个体系变的狂躁,那是因为潜在的萧条。If the system became manic, it wasbecause it was latently depressed.

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包括大脑,儿童,语言,性,记忆,狂躁,厌恶,种族主义,爱,等等。Brains, children, language, sex, memory, madness, disgust, racism, love, etc.

“我不想说这些挫败让我的情绪有些狂躁,因为我是个很成熟温顺的人,”他说。“I don’t want to call them rages, because I’m a really mellow guy, ” he said.

上周血腥的预兆可能就是他头脑重新狂躁起来的导火索。Last week these sanguinary omens may be presumed to have fired his brain afresh.

没有狂躁和悲痛欲绝的情绪。哀伤俨然已自我升华。Not a single visual of chest-beating or wild grief. Sorrow itself has been elevated.

当他发现这些后果,他狂躁不安,抓瞎了自己的双眼In his madness,when he discovered these things, he tears his own eyes,blinds himself.

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利默接到了一个狂躁的电话,来电的女人正在出席一个犹太慈善机构的年会。Leamer got a frantic call from a woman who was at the annual ball of a Jewish charity.

新人会因为需要和解,与亲友分别以及新的困惑而产生一个狂躁期。Newcomers will have a turbulent period of reconciliation, parting and new reconciliations.

她是个狂躁的人,脑子总是不停地转,试图在同一时间里做好100件事。She is a manic person whose mind is constantly racing and she tries to do 100 things at once.

当你感到晕眩或狂躁时,可以观想地元素,使那些感觉平静下来。When you're feeling giddy or manic, you can think of the earth property to settle things down.

手术后我渐渐恢复了知觉,我开始呜咽,而且变得狂躁不安。When they brought me back to consciousness after the surgery, I started to sob and hyperventilate.

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通过温和轻躁狂的狂躁高位,抑郁低点有许多中间人。From the manic highs through the milder hypomania to the depressive lows there are many in-betweens.

在苏联,由十五个共和国组成的联盟国变得日益狂躁和攻击性十足。Within the U.S.S.R., the 15 republics that made up the Union grew increasingly fractious and defiant.

这样一篇净土或许真的存在,就在离我很近的地方,只是我被内心的狂躁蒙住模糊的双眼。So maybe there is a pure land on me from the vicinity of, but I was manic mind vague eyes blindfolded.