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但这位门徒依然屹立不动。But the disciple didn't move.

堤坝在洪水中屹立不动。The dike held during the flood.

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一座白塔屹立在山丘上。A white tower stands on the hill.

我的传教士屹立异国之疆场!My missionaries in a foreign field.

一座山要屹立多久。How many years must a mountain exist.

我的生活很执著,想青松一样屹立不倒。My life is dedicated, to survive, like pine.

是你把我举起,让我得以屹立于高山之顶。You raise me up so I can stand on mountains.

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通过知晓你内在是真实的而昂然屹立。Standtall by what you know INSIDE TO BE TRUE.

你给了我依靠,我才能屹立于群山之巅。You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains.

屹立峰巅鸟瞰山,华夏娇容收眼前。Bird's eye view of stand Shan, China eyes closed.

经历了近五千年的风风雨雨,巨石仍然屹立不倒。After nearly 5,ooo years Stonehenge is still standing.

这些就是业米希人,一个屹立不动令人喜爱的民族。These are the Amish, an enduring and endearing people.

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再远的东边屹立着天鹅绒山脉,那里是我们的边界了。Farther east stand the Velvet Hills, whence we are bound.

一座座的办公大楼屹立在北江河边。Office buildings are springing up by the north river bank.

我用螺栓和螺帽焊接雕塑,你能在很多城市看到那些雕塑屹立在那儿。I make sculptures, welded entirely from bolts and hex nuts.

那个新建的宾戈娱乐厅屹立在旧市政厅的正前方。The new bingo hall stands four-square to the old town hall.

他们围坐在一棵桧树边,那棵树至今还依然屹立于此。They are gathered around a cypress tree which still stands.

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您将永远屹立于世界民族之林。You will always be standing among the peoples of the world.

这是一个屹立于老旧码头核心区域浓缩历史的建筑物。It is a storehouse of history in the heart of the old docks.

教师是灯塔,屹立风雨,指引方向。Teachers are lighthouse, towering wind and rain, a direction.