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修身齐家博爱天下。Charity begins at home.

是大权在手,纵横天下?Power is at hand, the sun?

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这如今还是我胡汉山的天下!Now, it still is my domain.

天下没有不散的盛筵。The longest day has an end.

天下有大事吗?The world has great things?

镖行天下之风云际会们收信誉卡吗?。Do you take in credit cards?

祝天下所有为人母的女士节日快乐!I wish a happy Mother's Day!

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祝天下所有的有情人终成眷属。Happy valentine's day to you!

天下着鹅毛大雪。It's snowing in great flakes.

天下就没有爱生气的女孩?Aren\'t there angry girls, too?

本人最爱玩,希望广交天下玩友!Lots of friends want the world!

这鞋子带我走偏了天下。The shoe has taken me anywhere.

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天下一家是大自然的真相。Brotherhood is a fact in nature.

朋友,一起遨游天下。Friend, roam the world together.

其以天下自任如此。Its acting as such in the world.

这个星期天天下雨。It’s rained every day this week.

祝福天下有情人终成眷属!I wish all lover can blessedness!

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总之,天下没有免费的午餐。In short, there is no free lunch.

祝愿天下有情人终成眷属!Happy valentine's day to everyone!

威名天下扬。One's fame has spread far and wide.