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第四步,不要眼高手低。The fourth step, do not Yangaoshoudi.

有时人们胃口太大,眼高手低。People sometimes bite off more than they can chew.

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嗨,K,我觉的你是眼高手低,可吃不了这么多的。Hey Ken , I think your eyes are bigger than your stomach.

我们在此看到的所有人都是些眼高手低之辈。All the ones we have seen here have four-star abilities with five-star abilities.

老员工批评这些眼高手低的新丁要求太高,而且缺乏耐心。Older adults criticize the high-maintenance rookies for demanding too much too soon.

不要眼高手低,妄想一步登天,眼前做不到的事就不要妄图本分,不管是名誉,财产,还是女人。Don't have to do a delusion, eyes would not matter to duty, regardless of fame, fortune, or a woman.

不好高骛远、虚妄自大、眼高手低,要实事求是,这是事业发展的基础。Not ambitious, false arrogant, unrealistic expectations, to be realistic, this is the cause of development.

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眼高手低的结果,只能是不伦不类的演出。Setting ambitious plans without the ability to execute them will only result in performances that are unsatisfactory.

老员工批评这些眼高手低的新丁要求太高,而且缺乏耐心。“他们希望明天就能当上CEO”,这是企业招聘人员的普遍感觉。Older adults criticize the high-maintenance rookies for demanding too much too soon. 'They want to be CEO tomorrow, ' is a common refrain from corporate recruiters.

事实上,不少毕业生眼高手低,看不起同事,缺乏合作精神,难以融入整个团队中。In fact, many graduates have grand plans but little skill, look down upon the colleague, lacks the cooperation spirit, integrates in with difficulty the entire team.

找工作不能眼高手低,明明自己没有能力做的工作却偏要做,那结果一定是被拒之门外的。Look for a job to be able to not be fastidious but incompetent, self job that the ability does not do but prejudiced essential points clearly composes, that result must be closed the door on sb.

有的毕业生可能因为工资达不到自己的预期就拒签,这在每个行业都很常见,之所以有人找不到工作,大都因为有这种眼高手低的态度。Some graduates may be because wages are expected to reach their refusal, which are common in every industry, the reason why some people can not find work, mostly because of this uealistic attitude.