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无法忍耐。Just can't stop.

而这样,他无法透气。He can’t breathe.

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孩子们是无法理解的And our kid failed.

对此我无法解释。I couldn’t explain.

无法再控制自己了He lost his control.

这是无法回答的。That's unanswerable.

这位患者已到了帕金森病晚期,都已经无法行走了。He is unable to walk.

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太暗了,无法看见。It's too dark to see.

你无法检查灵魂。You can't check that.

你们无法战胜我们。You cannot defeat us.

你连小玩笑也无法接受?Can't you take a joke?

我无法真正做到这样。Ican’t really do that.

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只有懦夫才无法应付。Only wimps can’t cope.

他无法再工作He couldn't hold a job.

他太胖了无法打仗。He is too fat to fight.

我无法消除她的恐惧。I can't lull her fears.

我几乎无法抬起它。I could hardly lift it.

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但她已无法挽救。She could not be saved.

热天气是无法忍受的。The heat is unbearable.

他们无法和睦相处。They can't agree well.