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那是本蓝色封面的书。It's a book with a blue cover.

这个封面来自二零零二年四月的那期And this is from April of 2002.

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评价书不能看封面。Judge not a book by its covers.

现在,托特独自上封面。Now Mr. Toth is featured alone.

还是不喜欢书的封面设计?Do they not like the book cover?

你们从封面中读出了什么?What does this cover say to you?

不要在封面上写字。Do not write anything on the cover.

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只要端详一下你书上的封面。Just look at the cover of your book.

点击图片可以查看专辑封面的原图。Click on the images to see originals.

我对英式封面的书毫无抵抗力。I have a weakness for British covers.

一阵轻拍后,封面变松了。After a few taps the cover came loose.

本张专辑为什么会有两种封面?Why are there two covers to Herzeleid?

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这张唱片的封面不能再极端了!The cover couldn't be more explicative!

边个封面,你最钟意呀?。Which notes cover do you like the most?

不应凭封面来判断一本书。One shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

廉价本通常为纸封面的。Cheap editions usually have paper covers.

见时代杂志华尔街封面图片.See pictures of TIME's Wall Street covers.

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这本词典的封面设计太美了。This dictionary has a great jacket design.

各种杂志的封面都有她的头像。Her face was on the cover of every magzine.

该项目是重新创建一个CD封面。This project is for re-creating a CD cover.