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我们不应该本末倒置。We shouldn't put the cart before the horses.

也许这有点本末倒置。Yet perhaps there's an upside to all of this.

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你这根本就是本末倒置嘛。You are simply putting the cart before the horse!

建设部在房价的认识上已经到了本末倒置的地步。Construction in the field have to understand before proportions.

在这同时,注意不要使打手势和表达思想本末倒置。In the meantime, make sure your hands do not upstage your ideas.

具有讽刺意味的是,正是股东自己在为这种本末倒置的做法推波助澜。Ironically, shareholders themselves have helped spread this confusion.

但将夫妻不忠归罪在线约会则是本末倒置了。But to blame the service for infidelity is to confuse cause and effect.

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人却本末倒置,以自己的形像塑造天主。That man has reversed Genesis- man has make God to his image and likeness.

本末倒置当然没有任何理性可言。There’s certainly nothingrational about putting the cart before the horse.

在他来看,人们老是本末倒置。In his view, people spend far too much time putting the cart before the horse.

下课后她应该总是很用功,且从不本末倒置,不分主次。After class she should always hit the book and never put the cart before the horse.

同时,教师也要注意对对媒体教学方式的正确使用,防止过犹不及,本末倒置。But teachers should use multimedia teaching correctly and don't overdo things with shoring.

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美国当前的公立教育系统,呈现着本末倒置的吊诡局面。America's current public education system, showing the cart before the horse paradox situation.

如果你把由下至上的规划摆在由上至下的前面,那你就是本末倒置了。If you put bottom-up planning ahead of top-down planning, you’re putting the cart before the horse.

可是,若我们繁忙、忙碌地为神作工,那就很容易本末倒置,忽略了自己与神的关系。However, in our hurry and busyness to do things for God, we could end up neglecting our love relationship with Him.

那些说我们不能再继续参与全球事务的人完全是本末倒置——不参与的后果远非我们所能承受。Those who say that we can no longer afford to engage with the world have it exactly backward —we cannot afford not to.

我们不能确定今日的交通问题是否明日可解决,本末倒置的作法是作白日梦。We cannot be sure if today's transport problems be addressed in the near future -reversing it seems like an optimist gone mad!

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针对新制度主义的个人主义理论出发点、制度变迁理论及国家理论,本文认为其具有偏狭性、本末倒置性及一定的合理性。It is found that New Institutionalism is narrow and tends to put the cart before the horse though it seems reasonable sometimes.

特别是他想通过改善男女关系进而改良社会,更是本末倒置。He wanted to improve the society by way of the improvement of sexual relations which was just like putting the cart before the horse.

盖•里奇经常本末倒置,在介绍原因之前先表明结果,这给他的作品增添了一点黑色幽默。Richie often reverses cause and effect, introducing the result before telling the reason, which adds a kind of black humor to his works.