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联运提单、迟期提单、简式提单不能接受。Lading, shall not be acceptable.

提单的种类繁多。There are many types of bills of lading.

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恕不接受简式提单。Short form Bills of Lading are not acceptable.

我想你们是自己填制提单的吧?You make out your own bills of lading, I suppose?

船东已签发了清洁装运提单。The ship-owner has issued a clean on board bill of lading.

第二章为提单的可转让性。Chapter Two discusses the transferability of bill of lading.

请向收货人收取三正两副提单。Please be charged to the consignee tri-n-two bills of lading.

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提单、客票或者多式联运单证。Bills of lading, passenger tickets, or multimode transport documents.

提单列明具体的卸货港是有必要的。The bill of lading must contain the name of actual port of discharge.

海运提单的开具日期将被认定为海运启运日期。The date of the bill of lading shall be considered the shipment time.

因为我们工作的失误,已经将上述正本提单放给了我们的收货人。Therefore, we usually make the misplay in operating these enterprises.

如提交联运提单,转运允许。Transshipment is allowed provided“Through Bill of Lading” are presented.

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议付时我们呈递了清洁装运提单。We surrendered a clean on board bill of lading for negotiation of payment.

受益人指定的第三者为装船者不能接受,除非该第三者提单由装船者背书转acceptable unless such Third Party Bill of Lading is made out to the order

在接受提单,商人agress被捆绑的In accepting this Bill of Lading, the Merchant agress to be bound by all the

我们已将下列货物装上“伊预”号货轮,同函奉上本货物提单副本一份,特此通知。We inform you that we are sending by the "Iyomaru" the undermentioned goods.

交货付运后,得到三证三副提单。Deliveries after delivery, three certificates have been three bills of lading.

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我们最好的供货商把货物海运给我们,我们则在提单后60天汇出货款。Our best suppliers ship goods to us, and we wire the funds 60 days from BOL date.

某公司应收货人的要求,签发了清洁提单。The some company countersigned to sweep bill of lading at the request of consignee.

兹随信附去50包棉花的提单一张。We have pleasure in enclosing herewith a Bill of Lading covering 50 bales of cotton.