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他们痛打了那个贼。They thumped the thief.

他把那个男孩痛打了一顿。He thrashed the boy soundly.

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他被痛打一顿。He received a severe beating.

那位父亲痛打了他儿子一顿。The father jacked his son up.

阿莱斯对他一顿痛打,又将他逮捕起来。Alex hits him and then arrests him.

主的使必痛打他。And the angel of the Lord shall smite him.

奴隶无畏地痛打他的主人。The slave fearlessly lammed into his master.

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克莉丝的男友发疯了,把她痛打了一顿。Chris's boyfriend went crazy and beat her up.

如果你和他打起来,你将会被痛打一顿。You will be beaten up by him if you fight him.

那帮恐怖分子把那名警察痛打了一顿。The gang of terrorists dusted off the policeman.

鲍勃把拉里痛打一顿后,又威胁说要干掉他。Bob dusted off Larry, and threatened to kill him.

这个孩子被痛打了一顿。A thrashing administered especially as punishment.

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迪克痛打鲍勃,以雪旧恨。Dick settled an old score with Bob by beating him.

他们威胁说他们要如何痛打我们大家。They blustered about how they would beat us all up.

那贼因偷汽车被痛打了一顿。The theif was severely drubbed for stealing the car.

他看来在找一个假想的敌人来加以痛打。He seems to be looking for a man of straw to belabor.

我真希望看到更多的国家痛打孟山都这条恶狗。Id reisly like to see more nations bitchslap Monsanto.

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我真希望看到更多的国家痛打孟山都这条恶狗。I'd really like to see more nations bitchslap Monsanto.

农夫把狼痛打一顿,狼便嗥叫地落荒而逃。The wolf was beaten by the farmer. He ran howling away.

汤姆勇猛无畏地痛打抢劫犯,很快就把他们打跑了。Fearlessly, Tom lashed into the robbers, who soon ran away.