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现在我们演示实际操作。Now for the actual work.

他站起来进行演示。He stands up to demonstrate.

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演示系统验证过程。Demonstrate system validation.

我怎样在演示中获取反馈?How do I get feedback in demos?

演示者陈诉一个提案。A presenter states the proposal.

图2演示了第一个方面。Figure 2 shows the first aspect.

我如何利用演示来获取反馈?How do I get feedback using demos?

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演示给我们看怎样做模型飞机。Show us how to make a model plane.

我们以后也会演示这些例子。And we'll demonstrate this over time.

我再给你们演示一遍I'll give you one more demonstration.

不失为一套好的演示教学仪器。It is a good instrument for teaching.

小子,「明妃」和我来这里给你演示。Princess and Ie here to show ya, boy.

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通过故事板演示使用表单的人工任务Storyboarding human tasks using forms

这演示了分数部分的作用。This shows the score section at work.

清单5-30提供了一个演示。Listing 5-30 provides a demonstration.

看看这些现场演示的视频吧。Check out these videos for a live demo.

他又用慢动作演示了一遍动作。He pantomimes the moves in slow motion.

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有些现场演示非常生动有趣。Some of live demo were very impressive.

他向我们演示那项新发明。He demonstrated the new invention to us.

她演示计算机的使用方法。She demonstrated how the computer works.