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他勃然大怒,气急败坏地说出事实的真相。He flared up and sputtered out the story.

“你没有证据。”那学生气急败坏地说。"You cann‘t prove that!" the student sputtered.

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哦,有些国家要气急败坏了。祝贺!Oh this is going to peeve a few nations. Congrats!

还有人气急败坏地用无线电呼叫空中支援。Still others were on radios calling for air support.

猎人以为上了狐狸的当,便气急败坏地大叫起来。The hunter cried out angrily that the fox had outwitted him.

“他气急败坏地说”你为什么不早点告诉我?"Damn you, " he sputtered. "Could you not have told me sooner?

近侍们从未见过伯爵如此阴郁和气急败坏。His subordinates had never seen the count so gloomy and irascible.

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“买家将大赚一笔”,一个葡萄牙经营者气急败坏地说道。"Buyers will make a killing, " splutters one Portuguese executive.

“你没有证据。”那学生气急败坏地说。"You cann't certify that, lunette carrera! " the student sputtered.

在蚊子一次又一次的挑衅下,狮子气急败坏地咆哮着。Again and again the Gnat stung the Lion, who now was roaring terribly.

被绑在地窖一角如百蚁闹心的张志强气急败坏。Tied to a corner of the cellar, such as the ants when Mr Zhang is flustered.

气急败坏的戴骨顺不管三七二十一上来就打,五个人打成一团。Wearing livid bone suitable begin playing willy-nilly, five people into a ball.

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有一点非常重要,我们不能总是被当作气急败坏、忘恩负义、娇生惯养的大学生。It is very important that we aren't always seen as angry, ungrateful, spoiled, college-kids.

在所有事情偏离你的轨道时你会气急败坏,也许还有些看不开。You become demoralised when things are not going your way and you can't really see a way out of it.

至少让我知道了,你的名字叫罗密欧,你对着我家的窗户扔小石子,我爸爸气急败坏地叫你离我远一点。Little did I know, That you were Romeo, You were throwing pebbles, And my daddy said stay away from Juliet.

所以,正当伊朗国内指天骂地、气急败坏,全世界必须要拭目以待──并且在台面上对他保持谦谦的善意。So, as Iran splutters and seethes, the world must watch and wait—and keep its offer of goodwill on the table.

对人家成为东方的大块头,你却气急败坏,总想让人家顺着你的老路走回去。On the people of the Orient Daikuaitou, but you angrily, the people want to go down the old path of your back.

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但是尽管空客公司接受的补助金不同于波音所得,它也没必要那么气急败坏。But although the subsidies that Airbus receives are different from Boeing's, they are not necessarily much worse.

今天上午,费舍尔简直是气急败坏,他说同性性行为是一种国内恐怖主义行为。But Fischer really went off the deep end this morning, by suggesting that gay sex is a form of domestic terrorism.

气急败坏的池上决定孤注一掷,以平民为筹码,引诱苍狼突击队现身。Angrily Ikegami decided to throw the helve after the hatchet to civilians as chips, lure, the wolf commandos appeared.