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右击指定单线或双线。Right-click for one or two line.

单线程客户端的平均响应时间Average Response Time for Single-Threaded Client

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卡宾的基态有单线态和三线态两种状态。The basic state of carbene is singlet or triplet.

这就是臭名昭著的单线传输线。This is the infamous single wire transmission line.

你看到这个单线,如果你视力够好。And you see here single lines, if you have good eyes.

在某些情况下,单线程性能甚至会降低。In some cases, single-thread performance may even drop.

全局锁缓存将其内容提供给单线程锁缓存。The global lock cache feeds the per-thread lock caches.

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这个实现适合于单线程程序。This implementation is fine for a single-threaded program.

浏览器是单线程的,因此不能依赖于定时器。Browsers are single threaded, so you can't rely on the timer.

结构为单线芯,采用多股软导线复绞制成。For a single-core structure, a multi-unit made of soft wire-cutter.

磁芯。右击指定单线或双线表示。Magnetic core. Right-click for single or double line representation.

磁芯。可以指定单线或双线表示。Magnetic core. Single or double line representation can be specified.

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简单的手绘单线动画,隐喻的却是深刻的社会问题。The simple hand-drawing animation is a metaphor of the social problem.

分裂线圈可以让你得到伪单线圈,并没有杂声。The split coil lets you get a pseudo-single-coil sound, with zero hum.

回风管道部分。可以指定单线管道或双线管道。Return air duct section. Single- or double-line ducts can be specified.

现在,我们在报纸上读到了很多关于,单线保险公司的新闻We hear a lot about monoline insurance companies in the newspapers today.

单线制串行接口,使系统集成变得简易快捷。The single-wire serial interface provides easy and fast system integration.

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不用的地方用单线划掉,签名并注明日期。Unused spaces were marked through with a single line, initialed, and dated.

送风或回风管道部分。可以指定单线管道或双线管道。Supply or return duct section. Single- or double-line ducts can be specified.

失物招领记录本上的必须用钢笔做记录。用单线化去错误的。Record in the logbook must be in ink. Use a single line to cross out mistakes.