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你都是半个行家了。You are a semi-pro.

这方面,我是个行家。Of that I am an expert.

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对于行家来说,那看的就多了。For expert that look is much.

大多数行家允许这样做。Most experts allow this practice.

日本的行家不开心了。Japanese connoisseurs weren't happy.

他的字迹行家一看就能认出来His handwriting is recognized by experts.

约翰是骨董家具的行家。John is a connoisseur of antique furniture.

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行家永远不懂,只有外行才懂。Experts never know. It takes outsiders to know.

不知怎么地,我们国家人人都成了葡萄酒行家,我们可能一杯下肚也吃不准葡萄的种类,年份和生长地。Somehow, we have become a nation of wine experts.

一个行家将会估计这屋内旧家具的价格。An expert will evaluate the old furniture in this house.

一种是自称行家,另一种会让你蒙羞。One declares you a cognoscente, the other will embarrass you.

你可能会认为大学生是睡觉的行家。You’d think that college students would be experts at sleeping.

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在行家眼光中,李斯特所招致的批评远比赞美来的多。Among the cognoscenti Liszt provoked more criticism than praise.

至于在市场上具体操作的行家,他们也通过使用金融衍生工具来规避风险。Market players also utilize derivative instruments to hedge risks.

强大的雅利安人的分遣队是操纵和控制媒体的行家。The powerful Aryan contingent were masters of manipulation and media.

“班门弄斧”这个成语,用来在行家面前显示本领。This idiom excoriates those who show accomplishments in front experts.

音乐棒极了。约翰真是个办晚会的行家。Yeah. And the music's wonderful. John really knows how to hold a party.

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现在他已经成为国际金融银行方面的行家,并且以此作为自己的事业。He became so expert in international finance that he made it his career.

个人意见,应该磨的出来。问哈刀匠,磨刀他行家。My personal idea, it should be polished. Ask bladesmith , he's an expert.

他自称是什么都是行家,但事实证明他不过是个典型的白痴。He is a self-professed expert on everything-he proves to be the classic bumbler.