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例如,称为环太平洋火山地震带的区域最常发生地震。For example, the area called the Pacific Ring of Fire has the most earthquakes.

他们处于环太平洋火山地震带上,在这个区域经常发生海底地震。They lie on the Pacific 'Ring of Fire', where submarine earthquakes are fairly common.

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火山地震由火山气体振荡或火山口内壁崩塌引起。Volcanic tremor is due to the oscillation of magmatic gas or due to the crater-wall downfall.

这种方法特别适用于火山地震的理论地震图计算。This method can be easily applied to the computation of theoretical seismograms of volcanic earthquake.

白头山火山地震分为四种类型,其地震特点是频度高、强度低震源集中。The seismic activities of the volcanic earthquake in Baitou Mountain area can be divided into four types.

有关资料显示,美国和加拿大西部沿岸也在环太平洋火山地震带上。Relevant data show that the western coast of the United States and Canada, Pacific Rim volcanic earthquakes also belt.

围绕在火山周围的群岛以及太平洋的断层,称为“火山地震带”。The Ring of Fire is a zone of frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions that encircles the basin of the Pacific Ocean.

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菲律宾坐落于环太平洋火山地震带上,因地壳板块相互碰撞而地震频发,火山活动也颇为活跃。Philippine volcano located in the Pacific earthquake belt, crustal plates collide with each other due to frequent earthquakes, volcanic activity is also quite active.

新西兰位于通常所说的环太平洋火山地震带的南端,太平洋板块与印度—澳大利亚板块交界处地壳以上的区域。New Zealand lies at the southern end of the so-called Pacific Ring of Fire, and above an area of the Earth's crust where the Pacific Plate converges with the Indo-Australian Plate.

本文对火山区不同种类的地震波形运用小波分析和频谱分析的方法,希望能提取不同类型火山地震的一些频谱特征,确定火山地震的类型。Here we used Wavelet and spectral analysis to different kind seismic waves in volcanic area, in order to pick up their spectral character and determine the type of these earthquakes.

东南亚群岛国家菲律宾坐落于环太平洋火山地震带上,因地壳板块相互碰撞地震频发,火山活动也颇为活跃。Southeast Asian archipelago nation located in the Pacific Ring of Fire Philippines seismic belt, as crustal plates collide frequent earthquakes and volcanic activities are quite active.

厄尔尼诺与火山地震活动密切相关,具有区域性强,能量变化大,活动频繁,有规律但无严格周期等特点。El Nino is closely related to the volcanic earthquakes bearing such characteristics as stronger regional feature, large energy variety, frequent activity, regularity and no strict periodicity.