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古色古香的亭子。The old-timey gloriette.

我在一家西塘的小商店里,古色古香。I am in a small shop in Xitang.

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茶汤染布,古色古香。The millet paste dyes the cloth, antique.

或者不用开车,仅仅在古色古香的的港口闲逛就能欣赏自然的风光。Or just potter around the quaint little Kalk Bay Harbour.

我喜欢它那些与众不同、看起来古色古香的建筑。I like all the different, old-fashioned looking buildings.

长汀的和田镇有一条古色古香的客家宗祠街。Hakka clan of the esteem by which Street play most vividly.

湖边的亭阁被修葺得古色古香。The pavilions beside the lake have an air of great antiquity.

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下面你将看到55幅古色古香的招贴广告,时间是从1900年到1980年。Below you can see 55 examples of vintage posters, from 1900 to 1980.

这是一个古色古香的白色小瓷瓶,上面有精美的釉彩花饰。This is a small white antique vases, there are exquisite glaze decoration.

古色古香的仿古家具,简直可以乱真。These classic pieces of furniture imitating ancient style almost look genuine.

我们要找一把古色古香的大钥匙——可能是银色的,形状像个门把手。We're looking for a big, old-fashioned one — probably silver, like the handle.

古色古香的旅馆在这十几年来生意如火如荼,如今却门可罗雀。Reservation books at the quaint inns to which tourists have flocked for decades are empty.

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这些仿清建筑,幽雅别致,古色古香。These imitations of Qing-dynasty-style buildings are of quiet elegance and classic beauty.

该石天然产出,古色古香,令人赏心悦目,充分展现了自然造化的神奇。The Shi Tianran outputs, antique, a feast for the fully demonstrates the natural magic of nature.

这是一个多姿多彩的住所,阳光充沛,点缀着各种古色古香的东西和她自己的作品。It is a colorful, sunny space, decorated with a hodgepodge of vintage finds and her own creations.

他们成功地保存了一些卡尔歌普的典型木结构建筑,那些房屋庄严雄伟而又古色古香。They have managed to save some of the majestic and ancient wooden structure s typical of Kargopol.

走过似曾相识的巷角,古色古香的砖瓦房前纷飞着一丝故乡的味道!Through the angle of deja vu lane, having an antique flavour brick house and a taste of the hometown!

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9月1日上午,杭州紫阳小学举行了一场“古色古香”的新生入学仪式。A classical orientation for new students was held at Ziyang Primary School in Hangzhou on September 1.

古色古香的小房子,坐在丰富多彩的悬崖上的每个堆叠的顶部,覆盖着这些破损的悬崖。Quaint little colorful cliffside houses stacked on top of each other are draped off the jagged cliffs.

桥紧靠在城堡的山岗下,又高又狭,沿栏杆竖起了几个小尖塔,显得古色古香。The bridge is close under the castle hill, an old, high, narrow bridge with pinnacles along the parapet.