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配色方案保持一致。Keep the color scheme consistent.

配色是干净的,类似Scandi。The colorway was clean and Scandi.

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花边前与配色的扣眼。Lace-up front with color-matching eyelets.

最后,他说,考虑一下这种配色方案。And finally, he said, consider the color schemes.

这款鞋采用沙地配色方案,呈黄褐色和棕色。It comes in a desert colour scheme of tans and browns.

所以缘编的花样我找了亮亮的段染夏纱来配色。I used a glittery, variegated summer yarn to brighten it up.

适合目光无神或瞳孔偏黄的顾客选用,无需配色。It fit to use by the customers whose pupil colour close yellow.

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它们有时也被称作皮肤、角色场景、配色方案等等。They're sometimes known as skins, personas, color schemes, etc.

而海报的美感以及可记忆性都统统交由字体和配色方案来处理了。Aesthetics and mnemonics are left mostly to font and color scheme.

让使用者可以修改某些版型的配色。Allows administrators to change the color scheme of compatible themes.

通过站点编辑器,我们可以自定义网站布局、配色、字体和主题。The site editor let us customize the site layout, color, fonts, and theme.

莎迪配色中心是美国ACC在全球推出的一种色彩营销理念。Sandy Color Matching Center offers a new concept in worldwide color matching.

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可以通过logo、图像、配色、字体和措辞来表达诚意。This can be achieved through the logo, imagery, color, typography and wording.

将来我们能看到熊猫配色的其他大机器人吗?Will we see the Iron Panda colorway on any new large scale bots in the future?

配色,鼓乐处理、分散经营的经验是首选。Color matching, drum handling, and disperser operation experience is a preferred.

一定选用这种配色版式,不然看起来会像是你加入了马戏团。Other was to avoid looking like you joined the circus? Stick to the same palette.

下面呈现了他们的配色方案,它们尽可能地诱发你的饥饿感。Their colour palettes are there to entice you and make you as hungry as possible.

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但是,如果我没有更改过该主题的配色方案,这就是最明智的做法了。If I hadn't changed the color scheme of the theme, however, no one would be the wiser.

本方法在JK—03涂料测色配色仪上得到成功的应用。This method has been used successfully in JK-03 color measuring & matching instrument.

它也智能颜色代码您的档案和资料夹,可定制的配色方案。It also intelligently color codes your files and folders with customizable color schemes.