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感谢您选购倍轻松产品。Thank you for purchasing Breo.

如何选购木屑颗粒机?。How to choose wood pellet machine?

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莉莎和乔许正在选购脚踏车。Lisa and Josh are shopping for bikes.

您毎月花费多少选购服装产品?。How much do you spend on clothing per month?

你曾选购过佐丹奴的产品吗?Have you ever bought any product in Giordano?

希望名位能够选购心目中最理想的单位。I hope you will find your favorite units today.

莉莎和乔许正在选购脚踏车。Dialogue 2. Lisa and Josh are shopping for bikes.

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她为了选购一件新衣服,逛了一整天商站。She shopped all day long looking for a new dress.

选购茶品批量小的黑茶品。Purchase dark tea products with limited quantities.

市民在车公诞市场选购风车祈求好运。Seeking good fortune at the Che Kung Festival Fair.

在此选购商品填单,而后到收款台付款。Fill in your selection here and take to a pay point.

一名新贵在墓葬品商店选购他死时要用的棺材。A fresh richer is purchasing coffin in a store death.

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商人们都懂得人们是按颜色来选购商品的。Businessmen know that people choose products by color.

玛丽并没有充分利用那一整个下午的时光,而把时间全花在到处选购商品上了。Mary hurled away the whole afternoon, but shopped around.

请向各店职员查询或亲临各店选购!Please refer to the staff or visit our shops for details!

欢迎广大客户到门市部选购。Welcome to the client's marketing department to purchase.

另外,你可以有的放矢的进行选购。In addition, you can focus more on what you would like to buy.

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女孩子们是时候去选购春季的流行彩妆和新款香氛了。Women might want to buy some new spring makeup or a fragrance.

对另外一些人而言,这意味着要在商厦里疯狂地选购礼物了。For others, it means frantic days of gift-shopping at the mall.

选购权交易和期货交易体制对捕鱼业也会有帮助。A system of options and futures trading for fish could also help.