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治愈了怨恨。Grudges healed.

我对他没有任何怨恨情绪。I bear him no grudge.

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怨恨使他精神感到痛苦。Malice festered his spirit.

他的脸充满了怨恨。His face sheer spitefulness.

他的行为使我怨恨难消。His behavior rankles with me.

我感到受屈和怨恨。I felt aggrieved and resentful.

我们能否真正的不再怨恨?Can we truly let go of the grudge?

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我们没有给苦难和怨恨让路。We did not give way to bitterness.

她讨厌他,而他怨恨她。She loathed him, and he resented her.

他心中对你并无怨恨。He has no rancor at heart against you.

怨恨与愤怒在他的内心翻腾。Resentment and rage seethe within him.

我不会怨恨西罗。I don't harbour any grudge against Ciro.

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——怨恨完全是浪费快乐。Grudges are a perfect waste of happiness.

怨恨的情绪是在浪费你的幸福。Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness.

我甚至不怨恨射杀我的塔利班成员。I do not even hate the Talib who shot me.

啊,吵吵闹闹的相爱,亲亲热热的怨恨!Why then, O brawling love, O loving hate.

他无动于衷使她心中的怨恨火上加油。His indifference was a fuel to her hatred.

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我对他们没有怨恨。I don't have any ill-feeling towards them.

我们是否得到此远哺养您的怨恨?Did we get this far just to feed your hate?

我因为她话语里的怨恨而畏缩了一下。I flinched back from the venom in her voice.