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我正在看这个案子的卷宗。I'm looking ather murder book now.

逢观景窗全部卷宗。It closes all folder viewing windows.

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但记忆像被收回去的卷宗。But the memory was like a retrieved file.

这只是建立卷宗的冰山一角而已。This is just one more piece in building a case file.

这封卷宗涉及到新办公桌系列的所有细节情况。The file's got all the details of the new desk range.

存放在编了号的卷宗内。The correspondence was all put away in numbered files.

张毅指着文件柜里的一排档案卷宗说。Chang pointed to a row of file cabinets file dossier said.

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供制成相簿、米达尺、卷宗夹等文具用品。Suitable for album, meter scale, file folder and other stationery.

梅蒂,立一个新的卷宗标上“战时想法”,把这打在备忘录上,先撂在一边。Start a file on Wartime Ideas, Matty. Type up a memo on that and stash it away.

警方卷宗描述了接下来发生的噩梦,令人战栗的细节。The police report described, in horrifying detail, the nightmare that followed.

有些关于迷失卷宗的引语提供了内容线索。Some of the quotations mentioning the lost books provide clues to their content.

“死海卷宗案”涉及的是一个含有推测因素的事实作品的可版权性问题。Whether the Dead Sea Scrolls are copyrightable or not involves an issue of speculation.

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结果如何且放下不说,我那一摞子档案卷宗总能说明联邦调查局并没有放弃要将他逮捕归案。Results aside, my files indicate that the FBI had certainly not given up on catching him.

随后,我们的卷宗档案被送到了海地当局,供有关部门进行验证和核准工作。Then our dossier went to the appropriate Haitian authorities, to be verified and approved.

工作三年后,我变得不敢打开犯罪卷宗,不敢阅读那些冷血残酷的细节。After nearly three years, I began to dread opening case files and reading the grim details.

这些相当于我们今天的档案卷宗,内容不仅包罗万象而且细致入微These files, as we might call them, are both sweepingly inclusive and penetratingly minute.

我前往佛罗里达查阅法庭卷宗,准备为一本法律季刊写一篇文章。I went to Florida to read the court records, planning to write an article for a law quarterly.

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在司法复审后,该法院命令调取卷宗,撤销了少年法庭的裁决。The court ordered certiorari following judicial review, quashing the order made by the juvenile court.

我国批准逮捕率较高,原因在于采用卷宗式的审批逮捕制度。In China, using a file-based system to examine and approve arrestment results in a high rate of arrestment.

他打开另外一份文件,深呼吸一下,准备重新阅读萨凡纳警方关于蔡德鲁医生的卷宗。Now he opened a differentfile. Took a deep breath and reread the Savannah police report on Dr. AndrewCapra.