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这是小叮当!This is Tinker Bell!

火警铃叮当响起。The fire bells clanged.

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但小叮当能做得很好。But Tinker Bell can be nice.

你是说那响得要命的叮当声?You mean that loud clanking?

小叮当与失去的宝藏。Tinker. Bell. And. The. Lost.

彼得-潘和小叮当的婚礼Peter Pan and Tinkerbell Wedding

他衣袋里的硬币叮当乱响。The coins jingled in his pocket.

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我每天看电视上的小叮当。I watch Doraemon on TV every day.

铃声响叮当是一首非常好听的歌!Jingle bells is a very good song.

这是小叮当。他能飞!This is Tinker Bell. She can fly!

小叮当是一个极好的仙女。Tinker Bell is a wonderful fairy.

小叮当,我们只是想让你快乐一些。Tink, we just want you to be happy.

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我们听到那个屋子传来叮当声。We heard clink come from that room.

小叮当不想去帮助温蒂。Tinker Bell doesn't went to help Wendy.

你可以使用这个小东西,小叮当?Can you use this fuzzy thing, Miss Bell?

小叮当可以和我们一起去大陆地吗?Can't Tink come with us to the mainland?

它们的叮当声会淹没你的低语。their jingling would drown thy whispers.

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他使口袋中的硬币碰在一起发出叮当声。He tinkled his coins together in his pocket.

我按了按门铃。叮当!可没有人回答。I rang the doorbell. Ding- dong ! No answer.

他打开商店门时铃声叮当响起。The bell tinkled as he opened the shop door.