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——必须坚持统筹兼顾。We must persist in overall consideration.

这就是我们为什么要寻求减少赤字的统筹兼顾的方法的原因。That’s why we need a balanced approach to cutting the deficit.

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第三,统筹兼顾,倡导包容性增长。Third, follow a holistic approach and advocate inclusive growth.

但是削减开支必须统筹兼顾,竞选更多的税法改革。But spending cuts must be balanced with more reforms to our tax code.

第四,统筹兼顾,实现全面均衡发展。Fourth, adopt a holistic approach for comprehensive and balanced growth.

第四章,综合平衡、统筹兼顾的和谐经济思想。Chapter IV, the overall balance, balanced and harmonious economic thinking.

与有关方法比较,该方法具有很好的统筹兼顾性。Compared with other methods, this approach has better overall consideration.

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远程教育专业教学改革是一个系统工程,必须统筹兼顾。The reformation of specialized subject in distance education is a systemic program.

我们觉得采取一种统筹兼顾的方针是很重要的,因为这些问题互有关联。And we thought there was value in taking an integrated approach, because all of these issues are connected.

统筹兼顾,做到学习实践活动与当前工作两不误、两促进。Has unified planning, achieves study practice and the current work without hampering the other, two promotions.

统筹兼顾,协调好各方面的关系,调动一切积极因素,建设社会主义。Making overall plans, coordinating the relations of various fields, arousing all positive factors, build socialism.

统筹兼顾是筹划上不可多得的瑰宝,统筹学是专门研究和实践统筹兼顾规律和方法的学科。The unified planning with due consideration for all concerned is a rare treasure in the work of planning and preparation.

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统筹兼顾是筹划上不可多得的瑰宝,统筹学是专门研究和实践统筹兼顾规律和方法的学科。OP is a discipline Specially serving the research and practice on rule and method of an overall plaining and consideration.

深刻领会和全面把握科学发展观的根本方法是统筹兼顾。Comprehends with the comprehensive assurance scientific development concept basic method is profoundly has unified planning.

本文综合论述了统筹学的形成、统筹兼顾要点、统筹学的概念体系和方法体系的基本内容。This paper synthetically states the formation and essentials of OP, and basic contents of its conception system and methodology system.

统筹兼顾是实现科学发展的根本方法,它体现了马克思主义哲学的辩证法的精髓。Integrated to achieve the fundamental methods of scientific development. It embodies the philosophy of Marxist dialectics of the essence.

要保证高校整体的绩效管理工作得以顺利进行,必须创造出一个统筹兼顾的绩效管理体系。In order to have the overall performance management work to be carried out smoothly, you must create an integrated performance management system.

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它开创了科学论文的崭新样式,其结构体系和表达方式具有统筹兼顾的科学安排和整体规划。It initiated a new type of scientific paper, and its structural system and presentation are of unified scientific arrangement and overall planning.

三要统筹兼顾,抓住重点,解决经济社会发展中的突出矛盾和问题,做好关系全局、影响长远的重要工作。Third, to think comprehensively while focusing effectively about major tasks in order to solve outstanding problems in economic and social development.

在整个项目的管理过程中,采用软件工程项目管理、UML建模等方法对工商电子政务的开发进行合理估算,科学安排,统筹兼顾。In the management process of the whole project, software engineering project management, UML modeling and etc are used to develop the "E-Government" system.